Anyone Else Notice There Are Fewer JB Hi-Fi Deals over the years?

I haven't done any webscraping on ozbargain to confirm this, but it feels like there have been fewer and fewer JB Hi-Fi deals over the years.

In fact, the only popular ones I've seen recently are the "sign up with Telstra and get a free gift card" deal. Maybe the good guys acquisition had something to do with it. Furthermore, now you can't even track prices uses PriceHipster anymore.

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JB Hi-Fi
JB Hi-Fi


  • +4

    I generally find JB Hi-Fi kind of overpriced anyway, compared to other places (online, eg. eBay or AliExpress/Banggood). Fun to have a browse through if there's a physical shopfront, but I never actually buy anything from them.

    • 🤔Bang Good with a physical shop front… Interesting concept.

  • I've noticed the same, not only that, since the acquisition prices and deals at TGG aren't as competitive as they used to be.

    • Tbh have been doing store credit promos that works out ok if you have a list of stuff to buy.

      Jb however is now only good for telstra deal with $500 gc

  • JB has never/rarely been a place for bargains

  • +4

    business is booming so why offer discounts?
    ditto for harvey norman

  • +1

    JB has never been cheap, they hide behind little deals on toys or off-brands to make everything else seem cheaper. It's only recently that they've changed a little bit because of TGG acquisition that they now have a price match policy. But OzB should show restraint and always buy from original deal store and not reward the price match store.

  • +2

    They've worked out that plebs don't care about sales when they can put it on a card and BNPL.

    JB Hi-Fi sales soften after bumper year
    Sue MitchellSenior reporter
    Updated Aug 16, 2021 – 4.50pm, first published at 8.43am
    Revenue ($m): 8916.1, up 12.6pc
    Pre-tax profit ($m): 720m, up 60.7pc
    Net profit ($m): 506.1, up 67.4pc
    Final dividend: 107c, payable September 10…

  • Manufacturer's have a lot of demand at the moment and still struggling with supply chain issues so it's not surprising. The rebates over the past 18 months will be less frequent and not as good as pre-covid. That said the 65C1 deal from LG over black Friday was a sign that patience is required if you want the best deal

  • -1

    I think they've worked out it's fine to be in the middle ground for those who want fairly okay deals and who aren't actively checking ozbargain and previous prices to gauge whether the item is an actual deal. They don't have to be the cheapest if they have stores scattered around well and someone can walk in, look at the item and buy it then and there. Sometimes you just want the item now and saving $10 and waiting up to another week for it to come from ebay, isn't worth it.

  • +1

    JB hasn't had good deals for a few years now..

    Used to buy camera gear, external drives, logitech gear at prices that are cheaper than anywhere else

    These days they rarely do good deals. Sometimes older stock Sennheiser is cleared out cheap (but other places do it too occasionally)

    I had $500 of JB gift cards unredeemed for 5 years.. simply because there was nothing worth buying. I used to spend at least $2k per year over many transactions.

  • Not many but I got a new tv from them couple months ago

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