• long running

[WA] Travel Anywhere on The Transperth Network (up to 9 Zones) for No More than a 2-Zone Fare @ Transperth


The two-zone fare cap

From 1 January 2022, you can travel anywhere on the Transperth network, up to nine zones, for no more than a two-zone fare.

If you are travelling using a SmartRider, your fare will automatically be capped at two zones

If you purchase a ticket cash ticket, you will still need to select the number of zones you are travelling, however if you select zones two through nine your fare will be capped at the cost of a two-zone fare.

You will also need to consider how long you are able to travel for using your ticket.

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  • +3

    This is permanent, isn’t it?

    • +1

      Not too sure. But will be for a while.

      • +3

        Yes, it is supposed to be permanent (until political winds change). It was promised by ALP during the recent state election.

        • +5

          Right up until the Libs get back in power…

          • @senectus: Might not just be the Libs. If the state budget is squeezed, ALP will not think twice to increase fares or remove the 2-zone cap.

          • +3

            @senectus: And the libs will rip the state budget to shreds

    • -8

      Problem is you have to get a covid test before boarding and another one before you get off.

      • +1

        Transperth may be slow but can't be that slow… LOL

    • Let’s hope so. The Mandurah line shuts down for a few weeks starting Saturday.

    • Yep, one of the election promises

  • +2

    Yeah this change is permanent. Not sure it really qualifies as a bargain but its good to share the knowledge.

  • +3

    Don't forget to use autoload as well for a further 20% off smartrider fees. Or just work from home lol.

    • +1

      Minimum reload of $20. Which can be a lot if you don't take public transport regularly

  • +6

    I leave on the edge of zone1 and 2. so sad that have to pay the max rate next year for such a short distance

    • +4

      One of my colleagues walks about 10 minutes to get to/from the free zone home everyday.

    • +1

      Same. Would have been nice if they subsidized everyone equally, rather than just zone 3+

      • I think the point of the change was to ease the burden from those least able to afford it.

    • I'm in zone 2, business as usual for me :(

      Good deal for those who live in woop woop.

      • +2

        I am in the same boat but hey, we can forget to tap off now.

        • lol, I never thought about that. The only problem is both of the stations I frequent almost always have guards at the fare gates.

      • +1

        You can go to zone 4 and back to claim discount

        • ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ )

  • +3

    There you go, I voted for him and didn't even know about this election promise…

  • +13

    Huge saving for someone commuting from Mandurah to & from Perth each day - around $2,500 a year.

    Will be interesting to see if there's any uptake of public transport in the longer term. There will probably be less usage next year with Omicron set to arrive and masks mandated on public transport etc. Roads are going to be more congested.

    • Could nearly buy a nice new LG OLED with that👍

    • Maybe not ,alot of people will be locked down so less on the roads

    • I am changing job to work in the city so maybe I should sell my car then. This doesn't make any difference I live in zone 2.

      • This is what I did. Insurance, Rego, Fuel, Parking all saved a ton of money over the last few years and the sale of the car was a nice boost to the family budget as well.

      • +6

        So Ashfield to the city (15 mins) will cost the same as Mandurah to the city (51 mins)… am I the only one who finds this absurd?

        The fare cap is a great incentive and I'm all for it but it should include an expansion for zone 1 as well

        • Count yourself lucky to be near a train line I guess.

          It's about a 3km walk to the train station for me. Mind you that's the one on Wellington St…

        • +1

          By the same absurd reasoning, did you also complain about edge of zone 2/1 and edge of zone 2/3 paying the same fare ? Will it be better if zones 3 to 8 (or whatever) are abolished and call them zone 2 (only 2 zones: 1 and 2) ?

    • -1

      Lol omicron

      • Isn't that a brand of blood pressure monitors?

    • it might be cheaper than driving my EV to Perth now.. noice

  • +1

    Good man Mark 🙌🙌💪

  • +1

    Nine zones for a city like Perth? Wow - just wow!

    Melbourne had 3 Zones and got rid of the third years ago to make it simpler for everyone!

    • +2

      WA = Wait Awhile. We got there in the end!

      • Well you can't really compare Melbourne's extensive PT network with Perth - so you haven't really got anywhere. I'm sure Melbourne's single zone is way bigger than Perth's nine zones combined.

        • +10

          The Transperth rail network alone spans 109km, point to point, from Butler to Mandurah. That's more than 50% longer than the Melbourne to Geelong trip alone. And my understanding is that Geelong is considered regional, so isn't even on an electrified network - the Geelong line runs on diesel.

          • +1

            @wizzlesticks: You're not really comparing like to like. A better one would be something like Pakenham to Sunbury in Melbourne, which is 105km on the electrified network.

          • +1

            @wizzlesticks: I'm not just talking trains. Think about the largest tram network in the world at around 250 KMs double-tracked (most of which is in a single travel zone) - and also an extensive bus network.

          • @wizzlesticks: Yep. Perth with its 78 three carriage trains and 48 two carriage trains across 253kms, definitely beats Melbourne Metros 226 six carriage trains across 998 kilometres of track.

        • +8

          But you literally started the comparison with Melbourne

          And then went on to talk about how huge Melbounes awesome rail tram bus network is…. in a Purely Perth deal thread……

  • +5

    The subsidy will come at the expense of those travelling 1-2 zones and the tax payers in general. Transperth will very likely be running at a bigger loss because of this and it will have to hike it's fares a lot higher from here on to recoup those losses and it'll be a huge increase in the travelling expenses for those in zones 1 and 2.

    • +7

      More like the other way around…the 1-2 zones fares will no longer be subsidised by the people traveling longer distances and will be subsidised by all tax payers. Not fair to put the load on people who may are already doing tough thus not being able to afford to live near the CBD.
      Also noting that all of the freeway extensions happening are not being subsidised by all the people who drive to the CBD.

      • -3

        Same price paid between those travelling 15km and those who travel 50km and you think that's fair? Try telling that to an Uber driver.

        • Do you not understand how public transport works and how it is very different to Uber?

          • @makkapakka: Do you understand how math and economics works? Which is longer? 15km or 50km? Which is more expensive? To transport someone 15km or 50km. I may not know much about public transport since I don't take them, but I know how math and basic economics works.

            • @Eugklng: Ok you clearly don't understand economics if you're oblivious to governments subsidising usage costs for public transport.

              (Nevermind the differences in how costs work and scale between private cars and passenger rail networks)

              • -1

                @makkapakka: I understand economics enough to know that govt subsidies doesn't create value out of thin air. For every subsidies it needs to come from somewhere else. In this case it's coming from the people who pay Zone 1 and Zone 2 fares. No value is created here, its just shifting value from one group to another. That's what govt does best.

            • @Eugklng: That's not how economics work, try total life cost if you want economics.

        • +2

          Ever done new york? (now) 2.75 USD if you're going 2 stops or 50… It's public transport, i agree everyone should pay equal, cause every one is entitled to equal public transport affordability. The train is running if there is 1 person on it, or 900 people on it.

    • +4

      Zone 1&2 travel stays the same so that doesn't make a lot of sense.

      Yes TransPerth will make a bigger loss but considering freeway widening costs around $30-40 million per km (ignoring non monetary costs) then this is a great example of goverment playing the 'long game', remember when they used to do that all the time?

      Reduced Co2 emissions, more land for money making businesses and real estate, less high quality nature destroyed for widened freeways, less air pollution, more money in taxpayers pockets to spend on consumer goods and services (the core of the Australian economy).

    • +7

      Fares cover less than 20% of Transperth running costs (it varies year by year) so capping them will have an effect but raising them to compensate for a flat(ish) fare structure wouldn't help much.

      I don't use public transport as much as I'd like (doesn't suit my needs for work) but I'm happy for my taxes to be spent on it. I've stayed plenty of places with poor public transport and it really affects quality of life.

    • +3

      The hidden savings are that in taking cars off the roads, allowing traffic to flow freer for longer and reducing the need for major road infrastructure widening.

      The problem with perth is our car network is very efficient and the competition (trains) dont make a viable option atm.
      Bring the cost into it and suddenly you have an alternative if its cheaper to catch a train each day (which is what this will do)

    • +2

      It's technically possible that the increased patronage will make this change revenue neutral.
      Hard to say though.

      • Agree, the price factor, particularly far out for lower socioeconomic areas will definitely open up public transport to the masses (from paying $12+ a day).
        Will be interesting to see if it works, particularly in a post-covid public transport world.

  • +5

    Never thought I'd read "travel anywhere" and "WA" in the same sentence

    • +1

      They could travel to watch the Ashes, wait..

      • +1

        The iron curtain remains - the COVID/ Lockdown free state - welcome….another time :)

    • +1

      Have they created their own currency over there yet?

      • If that was to happen you'd surely know. Before own currency would be independence, and the rest of the country would notice how bust they are…

      • Yes - Bush Chooks ;)

  • +1

    Daddy marky pulling through

  • +1

    Can we just delay it a month and use the profit to make a phone NFC app

  • +1

    I live in zone 2, but I just realised that I will still benefit since the Family Rider ticket will now be cheaper.

    Previously it was a pain to juggle 3-4 Multi Riders since that was cheaper than the Family Rider fare.

    • Strange. I live in Zone 2 as well and it is always cheaper for me to purchase a Family Rider than 4 SmartRiders (2 on concession and all with 20% discount) for a return trip to the city. Did you factor in Family Rider's unlimited rides for day of purchase? One way costs 3.92+3.92+1.68+1.68=11.20 making a return trip 22.40 against Family Rider's 13.10.

  • I'll be taking advantage of this as I'm one of those people who live in the fringe suburbs and commute to the city for work. $3.92 on the smartrider autoload each way and I'll be saving about $1.60 each way compared to this year. It's a small win, but I also wonder if there will be a subtle fare increase from 1 July 2022.

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