Disabled Instagram account

Hey peeps, g'day

I can't log into my Instagram account, it says "Your account has been disabled for violating our terms. Learn how you may be able to restore your account. https://help.instagram.com/521372114683554" which takes me to a page saying it's disabled for "not following our terms" and a link to appeal if it's a mistakehave gone through the list of don'ts and I'm no wiser. I went through the appeal and got an email from FB asking me to take a photo of myself with full name/user and a code supplied.

Have had the account for 2-3yrs not really sure, I've never ever posted anything, only use it to follow ~100 people for photography/tattoo/architecture/design, besides browsing and +fav photos the only other times I trigger the app is when I get the occasional link about random shits and giggles stuff.

I thought the appeal process will allow me to ask what on earth they've identified me doing… Not really comfortable sending a photo to a rando at Insta… I have 100s of +fav photos that I have no means of identifying again the artist and that's all I care about. Has this happened to anyone before and I'll make the assumption that there's no other way besides sending a mugshot of myself across? What happens after that? If it's going to be some automated a no is a no and we're not going to explain ourselves then that seems like a moot exercise.

Many thanks!

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  • Yep, it’s Instagrams standard process that requires you to send a photo of yourself.

  • +4

    There’s no point appealing, you’ll get nowhere as a human never reviews it. I was reported to Facebook for using a fake name (which was not true) and they requested my ID, a selfie with a code in it and for some reason my marriage certificate. I wasn’t comfortable sending any of that so my account was closed. This was 2 years ago and this year the same thing happened to my elderly father in law. This time it didn’t give a reason, but he never posted anything and just used it to look at photos of the grand kids. Everything is automated at Meta (FB/Insta/WhatsApp), you’ll never get a human review and it’s not worth your time.

  • +5

    Agree with the others, no point in appealing.

    My Facebook account was disabled without notice for not meeting their community standards and I couldn't appeal because too much time had passed since it was disabled. I never used it, only had it as a login was required to access scores and other info for a club I'm in that was kep on the club Facebook page. Never made a single post or friended anyone so I'm not sure what standard I didn't meet. i guess I didn't give them enough personal info and advertising revenue. I was never notified it had been disabled until I went to login which I only did a couple of times per year at most. This is why I strongly disagree with using your Facebook login as the method to access other services. You could suddenly not only lose access to your Facebook account but everything else you access with it as well with no notice and no way to appeal.

    • I think the lack of posts and friends might have set off a trigger that you might have been a fake/troll profile.

      • Possibly but it'd been that way for a decade. I last used it around July so it's been disabled in the last ~5 months.

        • Maybe one of those stupid copy and paste messages of Facebook disabling your account if you didn't post after a certain amount of time became true haha

  • Not really comfortable sending a photo to a rando at Insta

    Yet people have photos of themselves online, or backed up on Google/Apple.

    What do you think instagram would do with a phono of you anyway?

    • Pretend that user is active, use that photo to solicit OP's contacts by pretending to be OP, policy, AML, list goes on.

      • So instragram is going to do all that huh?

    • +6

      would do with a phono of you anyway?

      Play music..

    • Others might alas I do not, no social media nor any of those that you've mentioned.

      What specifically is the need of a photo of me for verification?

      • To make sure it isn't a fake account

      • By the sounds of what you do(only likes and no social interaction), instagram may have thought you were part of a click farm ring. fake accounts created to like post from click farm clients.

        They won't disclose what triggered their system to disable you, otherwise, all these other fake account will just learn to fly under those radar triggers.

        Photo of you will prove that you're a real individual, and not just a fake account created for clicks for hire.

  • Ah well, nothing of any value was lost

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