(QLD) Does The Title "Chartered Engineer - Electrical" Require Ongoing Professional Development

A family member owns several investment properties in Queensland.

I noticed at Xmas paperwork on their desk for the certification of smoke alarms in his IPs.
He had signed them off himself using the postnominal "Chartered Engineer - Electrical", which he was awarded ~40 years back.

He has been retired for at least 20 years and I'm not aware of him doing any courses to maintain currency of his professional qualifications.

This observation has made me concerned as in NSW the yearly fire inspection (inc smoke alarms) in our apartment block has to be signed off by a company certified for doing fire inspections and with the appropriate professional indemnity insurance.

My question is, even though he is probably technically competent to know the smoke alarms are compliant, is he professionally competent to certify them (in QLD) and would his certification letter be legal?

edit: Have the information now. Certification not needed.


  • Consult EA (Engineers Australia) to see if he still has the title. It will have been granted based on his work and not awarded based on him being a good guy.

    As for QLD legal issue, if you have to ask then you know he does not have the legal ability to do it.

    • You do not need to be qualified or licensed to clean or test a domestic smoke alarm.


      • Mo mention of "Certification".

        • What I am saying is OP is mixing up requirements to conduct multi unit dwelling fire safety certification, with the new QLD laws for testing tenant smoke alarms.
          The new laws do not require any qualifications to conduct the tests.

          • @mskeggs: If you google you will find references to "QLD smoke certificate" and this is what OP may be talking about.

          • @mskeggs:

            What I am saying is OP is mixing up requirements to conduct multi unit dwelling fire safety certification, with the new QLD laws for testing tenant smoke alarms.
            The new laws do not require any qualifications to conduct the tests

            I'm not mixing up the rules. I simply don't know the QLD rules (thanks for the link). I live and work in NSW.

            I do have my reasons for wanting to know if he's doing a shonky. I can't go into them here.

            • +1

              @brad1-8tsi: Isn’t nosing through somebody else’s desk a bit shonky?

              • @jackary:

                Isn’t nosing through somebody else’s desk a bit shonky?

                Generally, yes.

                On this occasion, if you knew the background, I think you'd excuse my actions.

                I would have much rather have spent Christmas with my kids in Sydney. I've seen them 4 times since June due to COVID.

                • @brad1-8tsi: Under no circumstances would I condone what you’re doing I’m afraid.

                  Sorry about your kids.

                  • @jackary: This is part of rescuing an 83 year old woman currently undergoing chemotherapy from a financially coercive and mentally abusive relationship.

                    But yes, I'm a devil because I'm trying to get as much leverage as possible so that he does the right thing as part of the asset split.

                    Up yours cobber

  • +2

    It’s usual for professionals to maintain a certain number of continuing professional development points a year as a condition of registration. The membership to the organisation (Chartered Engineers) is conditional upon meeting those requirements and means more than the degree. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s keeping current notwithstanding retirement - is he still a member?

    • He's not on the Engineers Australia register.

      Moot point as according to the above rules he doesn't have to have any qualifications to sign off on the memo he'd written.

      The dude hasn't done a course in 25 years.

  • Also, the rules for inspecting smoke alarms in detached houses are different than for fire inspection of multi unit dwellings.

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