Choice between Residential Vs Business Energy?

Some noob questions here. Can I choose residential energy supplier if I have a small business? The dodgy person at EnergyAustralia have changed plans on me removing my previous discount (this is after 6 years all of a sudden without notification) and is now charging me a fortune.

I want to move away from them but also to residential pricing. Is this possible?

Can I also adjust my tariff rate, or is that fixed depending on my meter type?


  • +1

    Just try it and see what happens…

    My bank currently has my investment property as a primary residence mortgage - its just a different product being sold. Should be the same for electricity.

  • +1

    You can’t, to change to residential charges would mean you need to be a residential property. In order to change an inspection of the property is carried out, if the person determined it’s business then you stay at business rates, if they attend and it’s residential then they change your classification

  • +1

    Put up some curtains on the windows of it's a shop and make it look homey lol
    If it's a warehouse/factory shouldn't be too hard given its pretty fashionable to convert warehouse space into a Hipster Pad.
    Screw 'em if that's what you need to do to keep a small business going or at least assist good luck to you I say :)

  • +1

    Check out other suppliers. I checked out one (sorry can’t remember which but not AGL or EA) and they had rates for small business/self employed that were pretty much the same as residential.

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