Display Port Not Working on Dell S3221QS??? Works with HDMI Though

Hi guys, I just received the Dell S3221QS monitor, it works fine with HDMI, but when I disconnect HDMI and change the cable to Display Port, it keeps saying the following message:

No DP Cable
The display will go into standby model in 4 mins.

Any suggestions?


  • Is the display port cable fully functional?

    Is the display port output working correctly on your device? Do you need to manually select dp as the output on your device?

  • I changed the source to DP, I dont know if its fully functional as it keeps giving me this message.

  • Had the same thing with my s2721q. Randomly plugged it in one day with everything powered up, and it just worked. Probably not much help to you.

  • Have you tried any other PC/Laptop/mac that has a display port to see if the problem is the laptop or monitor? If you do not ask your friends if they have anything that has a display port so you can check if the laptop or monitor is not working.

    • hmmmmm………i might take this to my brothers house and have a go, only have the desktop at the house

  • Resolution or fresh rate too high is my suspicion. If you cold start the computer it might help

    • its 60hz for the S3221QS, so i am not sure if its anything to do with that.

      • +1

        They mean from the PC end. Plugging in the Displayport cable (and make sure you're unplugging the HDMI cable first too, if you've left that in either device that's probably the issue) and cold booting will mean your PC is displaying things at the most basic, without drivers.

        It you get a picture on boot (i.e. the bios screen) but not in Windows it will mean it's a software issue, not a hardware one.

        • I worked it out, it was the cable!!!!!!!!!! Both of them are faulty brought from ebay. Changed to something better from JB and everything works nicely!

  • I usually have my 27" Dell 4k plugged into a windows 11 desktop with an RTX3070.

    Plugged in my 14" MBP via thunderbolt dock - no image unless I lowered the refresh rate to 30Hz. Apple released a mac OS update, now works at 4k@60Hz. My point being that as others have indicated, there could be a display settings issue causing it.

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