Anyone Use Stryd Footpods for Running

Hello all,

Been looking into tracking running effort outdoors more accurately.

Wondering if anyone here uses stryd footpod. Seems to provide some interesting/useful data but at $300+ its pretty expensive.



  • +1

    Do you already have a gps watch and looking for the extra data that a foot pod provides, or are you just looking to track your runs and haven't got any gear yet?

    My garmin hr strap (the new ones) gives me a lot of extra data…ground contact time, L/R balance, vertical oscilation, stride length etc.

    • got garmin watch + HRM strap. Think its great. HR is my go to metric to guide training intensity. Just curious about whether there are any Stryd users.

      • You can get it much cheaper than this, but compare the features of this to the stryd:…

        Or are you looking to run indoors on zwift or something?

        • Thx.
          Got the hrm-pro.
          Actually had hrm-run but got it replaced under warranty and got sent the hrmpro.

          Just curious about stryd power metrics for training

          • @gimli: Ah fair enough. I'm not sure if i can get that real time. I know strava calculates it for me after.

            Training with power is invaluable with my cycling.

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