Have You Ever Used Your Status as a Frontline Worker to Get Something for Free/Less?

A friend punctured a tyre on a pothole on the way to hospital as a healthcare frontline worker
They posted a job on airtasker: Change a tyre for Frontline Health Worker
2 people offered to do it for free but they ended up taking an Uber home

This got me thinking, how many perks and freebies have you gotten as a Frontline Worker and what was it?
Anything more than a free coffee or small food item?

Poll Options

  • 35
    I am not a frontline worker
  • 7
    I have gotten free stuff/perks as a frontline worker
  • 2
    I am not a frontline worker but gotten free stuff/perks anyway


  • Have You Ever Used Your Status as a Frontline Worker to Get Something for Free/Less?

    No… Never

    • +3

      JV frontline worker confirmed

      • +2

        I'm not…

        • +11

          you're a frontline ozbargain worker.

  • +5

    Someone elses random generosity isn't what I would call a 'perk'.

    • I believe it was goodwill for frontline workers though

      • +2

        The world would be a much better place if we all helped each other out. Always lend a hand if you can help someone in need.

      • +2

        Did the offer's state that they were doing it for free because your friend was a frontline worker?

        I know if I was nearby and had the time I'd give someone a hand changing a tyre - frontline worker or not.

        • No, but they mentioned being 35-45 minutes away and didn't bid for the job and offered to do it

  • -1

    Not a frontline worker. Have used it for general healthcare before when I was involved in COVID clinics.

  • +1

    I joined the RFS for the freebies. I would never ask for a discount or free.. that just seems entitled.

    • +1

      Yeah I meant more like if Starbucks has free coffee for frontline workers only day

  • No discounts compare to those received from flashing the sacred Stonecutters X ozbargain members ring.

  • +1

    With my OzB Platinum Membership I am always at the frontline of useless cheap sh*t I don't need

  • +3

    the term frontline is not defined very well though
    there is the usual like nurses, docs, paramedics etc but if you look at the Aus post stamps they included supermarket workers, delivery drivers, truck drivers etc

    then most exclude pharmicst who had to work through, get complained as they didn't have enough drugs, vaccines and rats (not their fault) , not enough ppe, get cough and spat on and get no benefits

    • +4

      Spotted the Pharmacist.

      • +4

        close! married to one. even my company, who gave a benefit to frontline staff, didn't include them

  • +3

    I ate lots of Nando's when it was 40% for frontline workers.

    I had a couple of free coffees from Macca's until they stopped it.

  • +5

    I've been an active SES volunteer for 7 years now and receive a free National Parks pass every year which is super useful. Sometimes there are free tickets to sporting events but I've never applied for one as it's usually some team I'm not interested in.

    Other times a food chain will make some sweeping statement about SES members get free x food on y day but they never seem to provide a redeemable voucher and I don't want to go into somewhere and demand free food I so don't bother. Besides, I don't do it for these perks anyway.

    • +1

      Same but CFS. Rarely anything useful or local so why bother.
      Although partner and I did get on the free EMS cruise. But then we got stuck next to the Ruby Princess passengers and well…

  • +3

    i guess i was considered a 'frontline' worker during the pandemic Maccers gave us free small coffees - i dont know if they counts bcuz Maccers where the ones offering it.

  • +2

    1 time. Still feel guilty. Could easily have purchased this if I wanted it. But there was a competition for a case of P&R coldbru coffee for frontline workers & I put my name down. I work with patients, full PPE some days, mask and visor / goggles everyday.
    I got sent the case, it was great. Shared them with our work team, everyone enjoyed them.
    But still, I get paid to go to work. Isn't that enough?

    Cans4carers - link if interested:

    • Thankyou for your service, you deserve it

  • Its about time with the lack of blood donations the TA's pay for it before they have a real emergency .

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