Is It Really Appropriate for ABC iView to Require Compulsory Sign in?

ABC's iView will soon require us to provide personal details and sign in to use it. I understand that companies like 7, 9 and 10 might want to track my viewing for commercial purposes, but isn't it inappropriate for public broadcasters like ABC (and therefore the government) to do this?

Sounds a lot like government over-reach to me.

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ABC - Australian Broadcasting Corporation
ABC - Australian Broadcasting Corporation


  • My big issue with this and others that do the same is they are inherently technically incompetent and expecting them to secure information is like suggesting a monkey can correct your english assignment accurately. For google, any TV apps, Apple, Netflix etc I never use real details, none of them are trustworthy to secure your information or treat it with the respect and value it has. Them monetizing it is an issue as well but that comes second to their mishandling.

  • Here we go again…

  • I made a spam email acc for anything that requires a sign in and i know i wont use frequently.

    Its inbox is absolutely full of spam

  • -2

    no big deal, stop making your life difficult thinking over such things in 2022.

  • I may have still actually given FTA tv stations some love if this wasn't necessary, with all the streaming services available I haven't had a TV antenna for about 10 years. I have tried ABC iView and the other station apps a few times and as soon as it comes up wanting me to log in, that's as far I go.

  • This is what an alt email address and fake account details are for.

  • -6

    I hope they keep making decisions like this that annoy the public.

    Every time it gets a little more politically viable to terminate their funding.


  • ABC's online news site is now using cookies.

  • I'm not thrilled simply because I don't like having the extra step of logging in.

    To be fair, ABC can already scrape plenty of identifying data from usage without the login requirement. If you're not comfortable with providing personal info, just provided some dummy info. Only thing that you probably want valid is an email address.

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