What is the cheapest way to ship bulky but light parcels?

A visiting friend bought up 8 or 10 fleecy tops for her hubby and asked us to mail them to her in Tasmania (from QLD) I'm not sure of the weight but there are a couple of bulging shopping bags full. I have considered using the food vacuum sealer to reduce their bulk, but before I go to the trouble of doing that (and using the best part of a roll of vacuum bag,) is there an easier way to deal with it shippingwise?


  • If you were going to vacuum shrink it, rather than using a food sealer, go to Priceline or one of the department stores like Target or Big W etc. and get a packet of large space bags designed for pillows/clothing etc. Will probably cost $10-20 but will be cheaper than using foodsaver bags. You use a household vacuum cleaner to extract the air from them. If you are posting them, bundle it pretty well with string just in case it gets punctured on the trip, so it doesn't expand and destroy the packaging or freak out the mail handlers :)
    e.g. http://www.bigw.com.au/home-garden/storage-laundry-washing/s…

  • Thanks endotherm. I have some of those somewhere - hadn't thought of that. lol

  • +3

    if the shape is weird then Auspost will usually only ship/charge on weight (rather than measuring WxHxD and then weight).

    I was advised by a auspost worker a few years ago of this, um, work around.

    so rather than being charged on size you only get charged for weight.

    it can work out significantly cheaper for bigger but light items.

    so pack the fleecy tops in a dodecahedron.

  • -2

    Yes I'm well aware of the cubing thing. Thanks Atomic

  • Try www.e-go.com.au/ . Home pick up and delivered to door. Very competitive rates and online quoting

  • Will check them out. Thankyou. :)

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