How Long Can You Last without Technology/Internet

Ok so here's a question for all, I grew up in the 90's with limited to no access to internet/phone, but these days I find myself quite addicted to internet/phone.
How long can you last without any access to your phone and internet. If I offered you a million dollars on the condition that you use a dumb phone and absolutely no internet access for the rest of your life, would you take up the offer?

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  • 28
  • 66
  • 24
    Yes if offered amount is $5 million


  • +6

    yes if u offered me 5 million
    then I'll pay 1m to bikies to rub you out
    4 million up

    • +3

      'rub you out'?


  • +11

    You cant even buy a house these days with a million dollars, you are basically hamstringing yourself in terms of financial success without technology/internet, just like most things it is a tool. If you think you are addicted to them, then that is your behavioral issues that are at fault, not the tool itself you are blaming.

    Look at your usage patterns, take a step back, and see what you need to stop doing with that tool, if you cannot self identify your issues then see a psychologist who can help you with a third party perspective.

  • +10

    A million dollars sounds like a lot in the 70s…

  • damn ipad baby

    • How long can you last without any access to your phone and internet.

      • like 4 minutes

  • +10

    But what good is the $1m dollars if you can't access the internet to buy stuff with?

    $1m is also not a lot by today's standards. Without access to the internet you can't

    • search for jobs since all job ads posted are online.
    • can't work since all most clerical work nowadays require you to use a computer with internet access. You'd have no income.
    • can't enrol yourself into study without internet access
    • no shopping online and no internet banking
    • you can't do share trading or investments either
    • possibly find yourself without any friends because nobody can contact you when you don't have whatsapp or Messenger.
    • +2

      Negging JV is worth more than a mil

      • +1

        It's every Ozb members duty to neg JV so it should be done voluntarily.

    • +2

      But what good is the $1m dollars if you can't access the internet to buy stuff with?

      You do know people bought things traded stocks, and found jobs before the interwebs? They even had friends that they TALKED to in person! I know it may come as a shock to young'uns.

      • Did finding a professional job back in the day require handing in a paper CV, then writing all of the details in that CV into a paper form? Or did people actually read CVs back then?

        • my first job back in 83 didnt have a "CV", we would just turn up and ask for a job :)

          • @pharkurnell: Wonder what changed, these days you've got to spend 4 hours just to apply for an unpaid internship…

    • Without Internet, only enjoyable thing you could do is to travel around Australia, with a brick phone and a credit card with a great difficulty.
      You can't go on toll roads.
      Limited in accommodation, sometimes even for park entries.
      And the list goes on..

      You be probably living in a lifestyle of a camper. Unless you enjoying doing that, I don't think that is a lifestyle everyone who is after.

  • +1

    Hell no. I'd have to rely on so many third parties to enjoy my wealth it's not worth it.

    One million per year I am alive and then we'll talk.

  • +2

    I'd do it for no less than a billion dollars (or maybe 500m)

  • I would love to go back to a dumb phone like my old K800i (beast of a phone back in the day) but I’m too reliant on being able to access the internet on my phone now.

    Wouldn’t be able to live without email (over 4G), internet banking and Google.

  • I'd go a year for a mill.

  • +1

    Legacy banking and ATMs don't work without the Internet.

    How long can anyone survive without access to cash or a medium of exchange?

  • +1

    A million dollars isn't enough. And plenty of jobs require access to the internet. A lot of news is delivered only over the internet. Some books and TV shows and movies are published only on the internet.

  • +1

    i would. i already want to get away from the internet and phones, i'm tired of them, but i got (profanity) all else to do and i have to keep a phone for work (apparently my days off are not days off)

    if i had a million dollars, i'd buy a property in the bush and get away from it all. life was a lot more fun without the internet.

  • +3

    Depends on whether civilisation still exists or not.

    Given recent world events, I don't think it's an exaggeration to start imagining a world without technology or the Internet as we know it.

    If I'm in a SHTF/TEOTWAWKI situation, the last thing on my mind is technology and the Internet. Can you eat a gigabyte? Can you find potable water with your Apple Watch? Can you defend yourself with your Bitcoin wallet?

    While the fruits of technology exist, they're a useful aid to better oneself, achieve financial security and prepare for the future (or really any contingency you can imagine) but once they're gone or no longer equitably available or utterly monopolised by a select few… you better know how to adapt to life as it was before this paradigm came into existence.

    Technology can be as swiftly deprived from the masses just as easily as it's been dispensed to them. Critical infrastructure will be one of the first casualties of cyber warfare in a true multi-theatre global war and at that point, it's like trying to put back together a broken spinal cord.

    As a friend of mine says to his kids quite often: the difference between my education and yours is, when the power goes out I still know stuff.

    Something something pen and sword something something always keep a sword handy.

    When the lights go out and all the king's horses and all the king's men can't turn them back on again… the iPhone/Instagram/hashtag generation is going to be fertiliser in a few weeks time, tops.

    • the difference between my education and yours is, when the power goes out I still know stuff.

      I like that.. great line!

  • +1

    Give me the money first then I'll let you know.

  • But how would I be able to keep with Ozbargain?

  • $1M is around 15 years of average after tax wages. You'd rather work a full time job for 15 years instead of giving up internet?

    • +1

      YES (Without internet, I wouldn't be able to type YES to a pointless topic, which is priceless)

    • What do you do after 15 years?

  • If I offered you a million dollars

    You gotta pump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers in this racket.

  • I can't work without the internet, you're going to have to at least pay me what I could earn in the rest of my life.

    $100m I'd do it, I'd just hire someone to be my internet for me. Bonus points if their name is actually Siri.

  • $1 billion then yes, i can spend my time just buying sh*t I want and paying people to google stuff for me.

  • I can live without internet which I’ll be doing next month for 2 months. (Going on holiday to Lebanon for 2 months who only get 4 hours of electricity per day) my in laws talk a lot so I definitely won’t be bored.

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