Federal Budget 2022 Discussion

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  • 19
    Happy with it
  • 22
  • 175
    Unhappy with it

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  • +3

    Just heard albos budget reply. Much different, more hopeful feeling. I think labour might be in with a chance this election.

    • -4

      you got to be on smoke that was terrible, vague. i think he just handed LNP the election. he would of been better with no reply.

      i dont like the LNP budget but the ALP is worse i think the unbiased voters have a choice between two crap governments

      everything the ALP is trying to distance itself from is there woke overly socialist and unclear about financial management. i cant believe they thought that was a 'good reply'

      Scomo will win this next election he probably doesnt deserve another term but Albo and co hopeless - Scomo is 'unpopular' but at least unemployment is low and we have done well pandemic when you break it down this was a bad night for ALP.

      im so shocked at how poor of a reply that was….

      • +7

        That’s straight out of the current libs guerrilla campaign material. Lol I’ve actually seen it. Basically its spreading the ‘we’re both crap but we promise we’re less crap’. Then it goes on to detail why labor is worse. Given the mood, it is clever.

        Its a slight change on the greens playbook of ‘look at us, don’t vote labor, theyre the same as the libs’

        Also, you used woke. Are you a middle aged sky news after dark presenter?

        • -2

          left loving ALP brigade are madddddd! budget reply was turd im laughing pretty hard becuz the denial from social media is beyond a joke.

          Enjoy 4 more years of Scomo! he is rubbish i wont disagree but Albo and ALP wont win until they put working people 1st.

    • You mean the "spend, spend, spend" theory without any answers on who or how it will be paid for ?

  • -6

    both budgets are garbage LNP is slightly less garbage if im being honest ill probably vote independent

    how do we not have a single decent leader in this country is beyond me.

    • +8

      Both budgets?

      Theres a budget and a budget reply. There aren’t two budgets.

      • -1

        Fair enough the budget and budget reply are both garbage.

        Considering we are in an election year i thought budgets was a fitting word as whoever wins in 5 months will bring their plan to the table

        • +2

          See my response above about the libs guerrilla campaign. Are you on the payroll or just a dedicated volunteer?

          • @Vote for Pedro: Considering this fourm is notoriously left wing / pro ALP why would anyone who posts here be a dedicated LNP voter?

            • +2

              @Trying2SaveABuck: And yet here you are

              • -1

                @Vote for Pedro: Lmao are you a dedicated ALP voter?

                My question is simple do you think the ALP budget was any good?

                See people that are biased cant stand people that are unbiased thus here you are…

                • @Trying2SaveABuck: I think it had more vision for our most vulnerable. So that’s a positive.

                  But unlike the voluminous budget papers, a reply is intended to provide an alternative narrative and not detail.

                  The libs guerrilla campaign was a great idea, but they were hoping to activate it a week or two after budget around or after easter. That’s what the plan was anyway. It’s their only hope to win at this moment

                  • @Vote for Pedro: I didnt fown vote you i somewhat agree with what you are saying but just because it doesnt have the detail doesnt mean it isnt up for question or cristism

                    Imho ALP Budget reply is terrible they had LNP on the ropes according to the polls this is another Bill Shorten 2.0 imo perhaps not that bad but not the nail they needed to put in the LNP coffin

                    Can't say Albo is better then Scotty from marketing when it comes down to it I think LNP will probably win as they usually campaign better

                    If it makes you feel better both parties are shit

                    • @Trying2SaveABuck: What exactly was terrible about it? Can you give any sort of critical analysis or is just the "vibe"?

                      • -1

                        @turbochris: the last 6 months ALP and Albo have banging on about the high levels of debt, and the shadow treasurer has ALPs budget will spend money 'better' in his reply to the LNP budget.

                        The ALP budget has done nothing to address the high level of debt if anything it will create more debt. You cant bang on about something then do absolutely nothing to resolve it.

                        I will say this i DO NOT like the LNP budget i think it is incredibly short sighted but at least it does to some extent what they said they wanted to do and that is 'easy' the cost of living (poorly i might add but it does that) - they also have created jobs with unemployment under 4% this is what they said they would do and are doing it although it oculd be done better at least you are getting what you 'voted' for.

                        ALP have promised to do better and this budget reply imo is worse. - i hate buzz words that are meanless ie tax multinationals, Greener energy etc all that is bullshit as you wont do anything.

                        the other issue was how poorly worded it was presented it is almost like albo himself doesnt know what to do, i dont know how he or shorten can lead a major party when they are both terrible at public speaking. Kind of reminds me of Tony Abbot…

                        • @Trying2SaveABuck: What exactly was worse? Any details at all cause so far you have just stuck to the "vibe".

                          The ALP have not released a budget. This was a budget reply speech. I could explain the difference but I don't think that you really want to know.

                          It was explained that projects would be selected based on merit rather than the current practice of rorting and rewarding donors. Projects that actually increase productivity in the economy and have a positive return on investment. You know, stuff that's not like $40bn of wasted jobkeeper to companies with growing profits that ended up as executive bonuses and shareholder windfalls. That's what spending better means.

                          It's true that LNP tripled the debt before covid even struck. I don't hear the "debt and deficit disaster" catchphrase from them these days.

                          • -1

                            @turbochris: "It's true that LNP tripled the debt before covid even struck. I don't hear the "debt and deficit disaster" catchphrase from them these days"

                            A combo of lnp policies and of course

                            Billions of dollars of baked in labor spending.

                            Go check those facts.

                            • @mdavant: "Billions of dollars of baked in labor spending.

                              Go check those facts."

                              You are the one making the assertion. Where are the facts and references? I don't see them.

                              • -1

                                @turbochris: Short memory?

                                Plenty of labor spending baked into the liberal budgets.

                                • +1

                                  @mdavant: No references you can produce then. Just a gut feel eh.

                                  LaYbAh BaD

                                  • -1

                                    @turbochris: Not a gut feeling. I was actually an adult in 2008. I remember the policies.

                                    I guess you weren't an adult in 2008

                                    Not your fault.

                                    • +1

                                      @mdavant: I was well and truly an adult in 2008.

                                      You swallow the narrative, I understand.

                                      It's not your fault.

                                      • -1

                                        @turbochris: A basic misunderstanding of budgets and spending


                                        • +1

                                          @mdavant: Finally you admit your faults.

                                          You can also add lack of critical thinking skills to your self diagnosis.

                                          • -1

                                            @turbochris: Welcome to a world where you remember things that have happened.

                        • -1

                          @Trying2SaveABuck: i get that bloke but im not the one who has my head in the sand out of us two. - your clearly bias af bro it was a poor reply if you cant admit that then i dont see the point of replying

          • @Vote for Pedro: “Everything I don’t like is Russian disinformation”

  • +6

    Once off payments of $250 for the poor while the rich get $350 every week for the rest of their lives?

    Bahahah, suckers. They probably couldn't even count past 250.

    Thanks scomo!

  • +6

    If ever there was a pork barrel budget, this was it. Here’s some money, vote for us.

    • +3

      They can keep their handouts.

      10 years of watching the cost of living increase, house prices becoming unsustainable, reliance on overseas oils, denying climate change, pushing back EV's, destroying local car manufacturing..

      But thanks for the $420 scomo..

  • -2

    I applaud the moderator to try to be objective in this matter but it is no surprise with the poll result.

    The demographic of this forum is either Left or Hard Left so there is little point trying to inject some common sense into this.

    Although I agree the budget is a disappointment in the sense debts are rising, at the very least no new taxation is enough for me to vote for them.

    Looking at Daniel Andrews introduced his 18th new property tax should be enough to see what would a Labor Govt would do to taxpayers.

  • +3

    That abc article saying first home buyers are winners in this budget is annoying and not looking at the situation properly - it's the worst time to buy your first property since I've been alive and there's no balancing the owner/occupier vs investor situation. There's no long-term vision of how hopeless affordability will be sorted out in the future. It's a helping hand for first-timers to buy 1% of properties in ACT and 14% in NSW (you need to be under the price cap) and there's a limit on how many ppl can benefit on top of that. Prices probably will go up a little as a result of this "amazing" policy.

    • +1

      Exactly. Why doesn't to government just lock in the same interest rate for first home buyers
      Or have a variable rate depending on income.

      Looking around Perth, for the 500k mark you can get a new house on a average 250m2 block. However for the same price you can buy an older established home on a much larger block.

      For instance, I currently rent a 3x2 on 490m2 for 400p/wk. The unit in front of us sold for 360k last year on a similar size block but was a 4x2.

      The outer areas of the same suburb in 'developments' have half the size block, smaller bedrooms and no back yard, they start at 480k…

  • Merged from New Budget – Has Your Voice Been Bought or Has Your Future Been Sold?

    New budget was out with Josh grinning all over the mass-media and capital letters in every title saying that the pressure of rising prices was bravely alleviated by our clever government.

    I skimmed through the budget on the weekend, and I feel “heavily used”. That is my usual feeling when dealing with the government (any government for that matter) but his time it was aggravated by pervasive action and brutal assault on common sense.

    The take-away from this brilliant budget is that the government want to fight price inflation with … printing more money? Really? Moreover, they seriously suggested that fiscally stimulating (giving that printed money away) extra spending on those inflated goods and services will alleviate the inflation pressure?

    I naively thought that one would NEVER want to fight inflation with printing even more money. Also, giving free money to those would have a higher propensity to spend it will 100% guarantee even HIGHER inflation.

    Don’t get me wrong, I am not suggesting giving free money to those who don’t need this money or worse - will invest them in cypto or creation of those adorable cat videos (both are sure-thing hits that local folk are crazy about) but for God’s sake shouldn’t you need at least some brains to pull the federal budget together?!

    Right, so we have just thrown another ~10 billion into a large inflation fire with more to come. Here are the next steps:
    1. At some point, the change in prices will become unsustainable for some businesses to function and they will fold. Literally.
    2. This folding, funnily, will INCREASE rate of inflation due to less remaining supply and still functioning businesses and individuals COMPETING for a lesser size of a pie.
    3. Which in turn will create a domino effect for any price-sensitive business out there which will coincide with a massive demand destruction and massive lay-offs and businesses going bust one after another
    4. At this point we are deep in a DEPRESSION with no jobs and people bartering for food and essentials
    5. Inflation solved, good government

    Wild imagination, you say? Not so wild if you know what is happening in Aussie construction industry – 2 major companies folded and who knows how many minor have gone bust (I know of 4).

    Poll Result
    • Happy days ahead, Josh knows what he is doing (4 votes)
    • I know that my voice has been bought and I am happy with that (0 vote)
    • I finally started understanding inflation (0 vote)
    • I feel used and want to get my revenge done on some pollie (14 votes)
    • Papa Elon, when is the next express to Mars? (10 votes)
    • +10

      You’d have to be a buffhead to be bought with the cash after the robodebt fiasco and incompetence of this government. I’ll happily take the cash though, I’m not returning it

    • +8

      This is what governments with nothing left to lose do when they're going into an election.

      Frydenberg and Morrison don't give a shit about the health of the economy, future mining royalties will hopefully fix that. This is solely about winning an election and always has been.

      If Australia had decent economic managers we'd have a sovereign fund like Norway worth trillions, instead that money is just used to buy elections, this is nothing new.

      • +2

        Well we used to have our own oil extraction industry like Norway and we were energy independent until Howard killed it in 1977

      • +1

        Nope, mining won't fix the whole country.

        Given that all economies governed by clearly thinking heads have started tightening cycle and raising rates, the world is heading for an economic contraction. Which means LOWER demand for any raw materials. That means LOWER commodity prices and less royalties. We have seen the commodities peak, now it is all downhill from here.

        • Yeah, good point. They could just be doing this without any hope of fixing it in the future.

          It's a sad state of affairs that we're really just Saudi Arabia with a democracy sometimes. Nothing really special about us except stable government, nice tourism and a lot of shiny rocks/gas/petrol/whatever.

          At least we're a fairly open society that hasn't wound up a corrupt mess like Russia which has made an even worse job of squandering it all.

          • -1

            @freefall101: Fairly Open Society….
            You mean the society that was locked out of travelling, moving interstate or (in my case) had to stay within 5KMs of LGA border?
            And when people (not wealthy people BTW) tried to stage a protest, they were taken off flights, arrested in their homes and then faced court and jail time?
            I though that was exactly what Mr. Putin was doing to those who disagree with his methods….

            But if you call it "fairly open" - sure, why not?
            Be prepared, however, next time you would want to voice your disagreement in this "open" society.
            I struggle to see much of a difference between what ScoMo / Galdys were doing and Putin's methods.

    • +3

      It's a pretty pathetic and desperate attempt to buy votes. If you vote for this lot, you deserve them and the pain that is going to come during the next term of government. Either way we are in for a painful ride to be honest.

      • Then VOTE (but differently). Even better, scream in your MP's ear, write to all pollies you know of about inflation, about their pathetic role in all this circus.
        We underestimate the power of people - look at Greta.

    • 🖨️ 💵 is the only thing the feds can do from now to infinity and beyond.

      There is a 🔧.

      • How long can QE and MMT go on until the fiat currency is worth nothing?
        Pretty sure the yanks are there already so the politicians here doing the same thing isn't going to give us a different result.

        • It hasn't stopped since 1971.

          I think this guy does a good job explaining their end game.


        • Not for long and it has not been good for AUD
          If anything, AUD should have been much much stronger (probably around 90 cents) given the serious windfall for commodities. This windfall however is coming to an end with PMIs around the world ready to dip below 50.
          I am looking for AUD short entry, it could be a good ride to below 50 cents.

    • -3

      SO over the last 2 years the bas*tards have force closed a ton of small businesses and caused a LOT of people to lose their jobs not to mention the psychological aspects of home detention for most of the population and forced mask wearing on little kids. And they honestly think the majority of the population have such short attention spans that they will forget all that (even though it is ongoing) and all rush out to the balcony to clap for the politicians who didn't lose their jobs and were not forced to take the you-know-what?

      sigh they're probably right.

      And all of that comes on top of the desperate financial straights that most of the western countries were already in from decades of fiscal mismanagement, religious adherence to dodgy economic theories, over-taxation and regulation and a historically high record government debt?

      Sack them all!

      • +1

        there is always one…

    • The money printing makes them more able to prop up the prices of their investment property portfolios
      LNP politicians own more investment properties than those from One Nation, The Greens & Labor

      What will be interesting is, in this turbocharged inflation era, whether the reserve bank governor shows himself to be corrupt or not - by all normal measures interest rates should be jacked up in May, but at worst June because of the election

    • +1

      Joshy knows what he is doing? You know Australia has had it's debt tripled under his stewardship, yeah? Majority of that was before COVID even existed, yeah? $Billions in Corporate Welfare to companies posting massive profits, remember that $60B accounting error when they were first calculating the Job Keeper/Seeker arrangements?

    • -4

      the issue with modern day politics it is about being popular and not about making 'hard decisions'

      You want junkies to have injected rooms, generational doll cheats to have more money, more Social housing, every minority and there dog to be given hand outs left right and centre, send money in foreign aid to every country that has an issue, you want the government to give hand outs to people who dont have insurance for natural disasters fires/floods, you want money for farmers, you want an influx of refugees and asylum seeks etc

      on top off free health care, education, infrastructure and defence costs etc

      then yes we are going to go bankrupt.

      the issue is the more 'woke' society gets the less 'well off' Australia is

      yes im ready to be downvoted by OZ-socialist

      • +2

        Except a lot of those solve long term problems despite your angry fist shaking at a Herald Sun headline, it's the hard decisions that are unpopular but need to be made, like safe injecting rooms. What is your idea of a hard decision, just let the mess keep getting worse?

        Safe injecting rooms have helped push a lot of people into getting treatment (along with saving lives), social housing is a very cheap way to deal with homelessness and help people get an economic leg up. And people who are dole cheats aren't actually a problem, they get money and feed it straight back into the economy, they're basically a net nothing for society, not a net loss. They get money and mostly spend it on food and rent, so a big chunk goes back to the government in GST and it keeps the economy going. Unlike your friendly billionaire who hoards wealth in overseas bank accounts.

        Yet we're meant to believe that ExxonMobil sells $10b a year worth of oil and gas in Australia and makes a loss on it every single year. We have one of the most expensive prison systems in the world yet we do nothing to decrease the prison population because not looking tough on crime is viewed as bad.

        It's not about being woke, it's about breaking the idea that what's economically right and 'morally' right are different things. Helping drug addicts take their drugs is an economic benefit - the cost of treating them for AIDS is a hell of a lot higher than giving them a room and a needle. Yes, homeless people are often to blame for their own situation but throwing them on the street or in prison costs us way more.

        • A+, well said

        • -1

          as i said the more socialist people get the less they understand as they look at the issues and not what is ultimately important.

          We have created a generation/society of 'im a victims and people expect the government to 'solve all there problems'

          'morally right' or 'morally wrong' these things shouldnt matter in politics Australia is not a charity.

          if you want to help drug addicts i dont have an issue with it set up a charity, you want to help refugees set up a charity etc the government shouldnt be using tax payer money to help minorities tax payer money should be used to help a majority if not everyone rich/poor/in the middle

          The governments job is to run country not a charity sadly people have forgotten that.

          as for multi nationals and taxing them goes to show how dumb society has gotten if they are believing the media/ALP spin that, that will SOLVE all our money problems.

          Here is another unpopular opinion you want rich people/businesses to pay tax - you need to tax them less not more. Make Australia a tax haven and every business will flock to pay minimal tax here like they do in Singapore

          Also Australian companies BHP and Telstra are not paying there fair share of tax either…. look it up it isnt just 'multinationals' it is the system…

          the issue we have is our media is full of Arts majors writing about business/financial issues they have no idea what they are talking about - the fact so many people on here think negative gearing 'makes' investors money is a testament to that.

          But you guys keep believing the government needs to 'solve; everyone problems - keep giving money to useless crap it is working out so well so far…

          • +3

            @Trying2SaveABuck: You're expecting the government to be a moral crusader and not economic managers. As I mentioned, it makes economic sense to help people but you're hung up on the moral crusade against them.

            Also lowering tax rates to increase tax revenues has never, ever worked, it only decreases overall tax revenues because it applies to everyone. Singapore doesn't have low rates for national companies either. BHP is a multinational, by the way, and they won't flee overseas because they need to dig here. Telstra is the same, if we tightened up tax rules what are they going to do, move the phone poles to SIngapore?

            Giving money to rich bastards who turn around and give 1% back in terms of political donations is a much larger problem than an injecting room. Also, it is working out well so far, safe injecting rooms in Australia have been a case study for them being implemented around the world.

            I'm sick of the modern day right wing. You want the government to get out of your way then bitch when they don't uphold your values on the whole country. I want a government that leaves me the hell alone and helps those who are asking for help, right now the liberal party are the opposite. Throwing cash around like morons, taking bribes from big multinationals and not helping those who need it. I'm not a socialist, I want to pay my taxes and for the government to other piss off out of my life, that used to be right wing. If petrol prices go up that's my problem.

            • @freefall101: wtf are you smoking did you even read my comment?

              This is your typical moronic lefty ill keep screaming and not listen to anyone else.

              I want the government to govern Australia for all Australians not to pander to the hord of moaners calling for rubbish that beings about more debt and a poorer standard of living.

              if you know anything about 'basic' economics if you lower/remove taxes you always improve 'overall' economic output….

              Increasing taxes always reduced output.

              this country is stuffed because we have too many socialist who have simply had it too good for too long. If you think socialism is a good idea have a look at Russia and the Old USSR that is the result of socialism that is the path we are on - if we dont start making 'hard and unpopular decisions'

              as for petrol prices i agree with you this current government is pretty left and the only other issue is the opposition is extreme left we dont have a right wing major party if we did the media would kill them.

            • +1

              @freefall101: I hear you and what you say resonates with me BUT there is one tiny flaw in your judgement that makes the whole rant invalid.
              And it goes like this - IF the governments were good capital allocators we would have known about this by now.

              It turns out that we don't know ANY government (despite a large variety of forms and ideologies) that has been a very good and all-round fair capital allocator. WHY? Because they are not.

              I accept government intervention for GREATER society's good - really I do.
              BUT I cannot accept government intervention for GOVERNMENT's good.

              The trick is - who is to judge, who is to separate one from another?

      • +1

        Every developed country is moving closer to Socialism.

        Trust me when I say this - there is NOTHING good in Socialism. I know first hand about rationing and standing long queues to get ANY kind of good (even the worst quality ones).
        When it comes to "social equality for nothing" suddenly there is no no-one who wants to work for it (not to mention HARD work).

    • +2

      Its such a pi$$ weak attempt.

      $420 is nothing except a cheap joke Id expect from papa Elon, if you're bribing voters make it a decent amount. Just shows LNP have NFI

      Those clowns will get their overpaid do nothing jobs leaving us neck deep in brown water.

    • May be they should bring in UBI.

      • I'll bite - why do you comment this?

        (I personally agree but I think you're posting that comment as bait)

        • It's easier to keep the population compliant if they get a steady stream of money without much work.

          • @rektrading: Can't fault ya there

            • +1

              @ThithLord: A CBDC will make the distribution of UBI much more efficient.

              Money governed by code will ensure that people only buy things they're allowed to. It's also easier to monitor and cut people off if they don't comply or show support for the opposition.

      • I'd be all for a UBI as long as it isnt means tested and it gets rid of all forms of welfare and pension ie MP pensions

        i dont like the fact society/governments focus on helping the bottom 10% and forget about the other 90%.

        if a ubi was all encompassing id support it otherwise i wouldnt.

        • UBI, by it's definition, is Universal and not means-tested, mate

      • You might have missed the memo…
        We already have a variety of payments that create a one safety net which you could call UBI - child-support, medicare, Jobseeker, pensions, welfares of different kind.
        We even have welfares for share-holders and landlords - called Jobkeeper and GST-concession + negative gearing.
        OK, Jobkeeper was a one-off but give them a year or two…

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