Is It Okay to Buy a Brand New Car ($30k) if You Have to Park on The Street?

Thinking of buying a small suv. Will park at fairly busy road in a bayside/south-eastern suburb, Vic. It's not right next to the highway but has 2 hours parking limit. Cars parked on the streets are mainly small cars. Seen a few years old i30, Mazda 3, Corolla.

Thanks in advance for you input.


  • if you care then you cant afford it

  • Yes if you get insurance for everything but No if you don't.
    If you had a garage or car port, then maybe Yes.

  • It's only $30k…don't stress…

  • Get an old Civic, a dashcam and be done with it

  • I bought older cars until I could park them off road. Probably good advice from a financial standpoint as well as an "avoiding getting the car wrecked" point of view.

    No need to get flash cars too early, and you're also avoiding stress and anger from worrying about the thing.

  • eh, normally I'd say "no way in hell" but with used car prices the way they are right now the games changed a little.

    Personally if possible I'd wait it out till prices normalize and buy something second hand. Don't really know how long thats gonna take though.

  • Just keep it waxed.

  • I park my car on my street (not a major road, would be considered a side street) last few years after always having it parked in the driveway / garage at my previous residence. With that couple of years, I have had a couple of people already hit my car. I live close to a school and church (combined sort of ), And the level of arrogant parent driving / drop off / pick up that occurs on my street during those school hours. Double and triple parked. U-turns and blocking entire roads trying to do a U-turn right in a busy spot instead of driving a bit further up or into a side street.. As well as having parents park on my driveway and blocking me able to go to work because they are dropping their kids off and dont want to drive further down for a spot.

    And then even once having a car blocking my drive way then break down and refuse to start up due to some issue. And the mother and grandma with baby in the car, refused to let my neighbour and i push the car forward (by this time there was legal parking in front of and behind the car that was on my driveway) because they were worried about …not sure what they were worried about. In the end my neighbour got mad at them for blocking me up and started talking to them angrily in their language (both the same background) and then they allowed us to push the car forward so i can get my car out. I was late to work by about 2 hours by this stage.

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