Any Current Way to Get Discounted Blizzard Credit?

Anniversary loot boxes are on sale at the moment and wondering if anyone knows of any places or ways to get discounted blizzard credit somehow either through discounted gift credit or coupon code or otherwise?

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Blizzard Entertainment
Blizzard Entertainment


  • The cheapest way is not to support gambling schemes.

    • true there needs to be aa meetings for gamers.. i feel like this is bigger than gambling now gaming addiction is serious business

      • +2

        I don’t get it. You’re a grown person with responsibilities, that’s posted trying to bulk buy umbrellas to save on them and buy cheap
        headphones for daily use etc, yet piss away money on loot boxes to get what, skins and digital crap you don’t need?

        What’s compelling you to buy into the addiction? Just stop.

        • Stupidity, fomo and idiotic blind patronage.

          But maybe with this comment I shall stop.

          I do not need the shiny content I am just following the crowds because it is safer than sometimes following my own mind.

          Strength and stupidity in numbers.

  • Just level grind the game, free loots

    • Won't have the time got work and pretty tired so just want to buy the stuff now and open later

      But trying to minimise costs

      Also I think you only get like a few loot boxes per day then you gotta wait 24 hours or something so not completely grindable even if u wanted to

  • +2

    I find this forum becoming genuinely less helpful everyday, so many naysayers instead of people helping. The standard first response to calls for help is, “What did x say when you asked them?”.

    Found this but at your own risk be it, some prices seem higher than the card value, and I’m not sure if you can use foreign Gift Cards in the AU store or if you need to change location via VPN.

    YOLO, if you want to spend your hard earned $ on vanity skins, that is your choice!

    • All good things must come to an end.

      The non toxic period of ozb has ended but does not mean it is still not helpful just means because we have grown so much now we are getting all sorts of people in here now and the lifers in here are getting bitter as we all do with age.

      But I believe in the good days where we get good help again but it is harder I find these days.

      Good and bad up and down.

      Thanks I forgot about keyshops while yes very sketchy they do seem like a last resort.

      I personally don't mind if I lose my account because of a keyshop.. default start from scratch overwatch is not so bad.

  • Can't get game cards anymore afaik, stopped a while back.

    If you play WoW, you could convert gold to Blizzard balance (30 days = $20) and then spend in OW that way.

    Honestly, I wouldn't bother. The anniversary offers are simply re-skins and re-running the same content. After 6 years, you should probably have most of what you like anyway. If you don't then I'd wait for OW2 dropping.

    • Yeah I guess you are right I just really love OW1 and honestly love the artwork and skins in it but they are not that important I suppose.

      I just have not been able to get into another game semi seriously because of work and life since maybe cod.

      And honestly cod skins I did not mind that much although some were cool.

      I guess OW for me is what many people's League Of Legends was I am just over a decade late haha lol.

      I want to play WoW again but there is no fun or room for the hyper casual and even at my peak at wow where I used to play maybe few hours per day every day for weeks I was still always in the bottom half or average at best in the player progression ladder.

      It was only pvp and bg's where I used to be able to top 2 every game but those days are long gone for me now.

      I have become a stick my finger in every pie now kind of guy and can't go back to grinding just one or two games for life anymore.

      I think a lot of us have.

      • I get it, it's the convenience factor. Something that WoW never fully grasped. OW2 shouldn't be too far off. Play the beta if you get the chance

        • Cheers thanks will keep it in mind.

          I love games like OW now because i can hop on and hop and a play a few games and there is no lingering factor for me now.

          I just need that quick session action.

          When I personally played MMORPG's like WoW I could never switch off if that makes sense.. it was like a movie that never ended.

          OW is like watching the news.. it happens I absorb it all then I go about my week/day/hour etc lol haha.

          Plus some of the skins are amazing I honestly get so much joy and serotonin out of opening the OW lootboxes.

          Yeah I have a gambling problem probably but only for OW and my weekly powerball :)

  • I enjoy Overwatch and I look forward to the unique event skins. I don't buy Loot Boxes however I do grind them as much as possible during an event. Like someone has already said above…the skins are lame this year. They are recoloured re-releases. Mercy "Mage" is simply a white Mercy "Witch". Very disappointing. I'll play the game as usual and spend my credits on some of the older skins but there's no way I'm buying loot boxes for these lazy, shitty recolours.

    • True true.

      I guess I just have an itchy hand I need to scratch right now and wanted to spend it on the current game I'm really into since I usually never buy micro transactions just games.

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