Consult The Oracle - Leaky Alkaline AA/AAA Batteries - What Is Best?

Have had just about enough of destroyed battery operated gear, over the years, from leaky alkaline batteries.

Can't even guess how many hundreds/thousands of dollars of headlamps/torches/remotes/etc that I've thrown out and had to replace over the years. Just tossed 2 decent/branded torches and 4 headlamps in various states of "decay".

I know Eneloops are the OzBargain favourites but really need grab-and-go options because fading memory and charging Eneloops, before a quick camping trip, usually never gets done. I also know I'm going to get told to "look after your gear" but sometimes you just need to leave stuff in the glovebox for occasional use, when needed.

Don't think it unreasonable to put a level of trust, in a well known brand and product, to deliver a reliable service. I have purposely excluded my current brand use to allow for unbiased opinions.

Appreciate any advice and experience with most reliable AA/AAA options?



  • +2

    Never had a leaky alkaline battery but for remote controls basic Coles brand batteries last years and don’t need to spend any more.

    IKEA batteries often on discount and do the job too.

    If you need higher voltage or drain batteries then maybe different story.

  • +1

    I find eneloops don't leak as much as alkaline, and as such have switched most of my valuable items (things that I don't want a battery leak in) to eneloop (or ikea LADDA). I've found aldi alkaline leak a lot

    remember gloveboxes get really hot so anything you put in there is going to have a rough time

    • +1

      Yeah, I do understand that (heat ) issue with gloveboxes and get not ideal.

  • +1

    Eneloops in everything I don't want to replace from leaks ;)
    Had many leaks from all different brands before switching to exclusively rechargeable (18650s and Eneloops - no more leaks)!

  • +1

    Stop leaving batteries in these devices.

  • +1

    a good idea is to remove batteries from things you won't be using for a while. have had luck with doing this, only leave batteries in stuff you use regularly.

  • Thanks for the comments, I get the situation is not ideal and have tried to show I understand the less than ideal scenario, but hoping for experience based comments on brand and product reliability rather than "best practice" behaviour.


    • +1

      the nature of alkaline batteries is that they are leaky when left in devices for long periods of time, regardless of brand. you will have better luck with lithium batteries if you plan to leave them in devices for long periods, though there isn't a guarantee that they won't leak

      When you’ve finally restored your prized possession to working order, consider using lithium batteries in place of alkaline. They’re more expensive but far less prone to leaking and less likely to self-discharge, too.

      though lithium batteries will not fare well if you leave them in hot places like gloveboxes.

      your other option is to build a time machine and go to the future when we have better battery tech

      • +1

        Thanks, while not in the spirit of "ozbargainers" I respect your point and had already suspected that (lithium) was going to be the path of advice.

        While my time machine is nearly complete, still trying to work out a few glitches. ;)


  • Let me get this right?

    I know that the best course of action would be to not leave alkaline batteries in devices, in the heat,

    I know that I should be using better batteries, not having them in my devices unless needed, and making sure I have time to charge them, but…..

    Please advise of the best battery I can leave in my device, that is left in my car and I don’t want it to damage my stuff as much as possible?

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