anyway to automate moving of money (rams/nab)

Basicly i had a loan with rams now NAB an dam in the process of moving all direct debits from rams into NAB but is there a way i can set up soon as account is at xxxx move everything else to account xxx.

Basicy what im trying to do is autoinvest money into pearler keep a buffer in my account lets say 3 months worth rest goes into pearler, i can not direct my pay into pearler as its not a bank as such and well HR girls were confused so i said ill just do it on my end.

At moment i log in once a fortnight move all money above xxx buffer into pearler account which then will autoinvest it.


  • +3

    You can certainly establish an automatic account sweep to another NAB account, but for where you want the funds to go I'd just do it yourself on a regular basis.

    When you do it, I'd suggest double-checking your inputs because your post here is riddled with errors.

  • +3

    I've just read that twice and still haven't got a frickin' clue what it's all about.
    And who are these HR girls, it sounds quite fascinating?

    • Maybe Heavy Rigid (HR class) heavy vehicle drivers?

  • +1

    HR girls were confused

    As are this thread's readers. I know that xxxx is a beer, but that's it.

  • So OP needs to be clear the bank is not responsible for transferring direct debits to a different bank.

    As a lesson learnt, you could do what I do, set up direct debit to a transaction bank account, which you transfer money into from your offset/pearler. Up to you where you deposit your salary into - I also put it into a saving account of a bank not tied to my loan.

  • You can setup a 'sweep' transaction. Usually used to empty the balance of an account to zero on a schedule e.g. every week/fortnight.

    Best way is to have your '$xxxx' minimum balance in a separate account, and then it stays separate. Treat it like savings. Then, your normal transaction account receives wages and pays bills, and get the bank to setup the autosweep as a transfer to the BSB/account no. of your Pearler account.

    I've not seen a sweep transaction setup to leave a remainder balance, but ask a bank staff member if that's possible. Then you don't need a separate savings account.

  • If you can share your logon details, id be happy to process some transfers ;)

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