Lack of GPU Deals?

Does anyone know why the graphics card deals have been slowing down so far? It feels like I've been waiting an eternity to get a 3000 series card. Not even the easter deals have been that good so far.


  • +4

    no need to, they would have cleared a bunch of stock already, still ages to go before new models are due out etc.

  • +2

    Been plenty of good deals in recent weeks. What are you after specifically and what's realistic price are you expecting?

    • +1

      I'm after a 3080, preferably a "good" AIB, but I thought the prices would go down a bit more when the bargains came in like a month ago. A bit of an unfortunate gamble on my part.

  • +1

    There have been plenty of deals since the start of 2022.

    People that kept listening to the plebs saying hodl have only themselves to blame for missing out.…

  • +1

    Does anyone know why the graphics card deals have been slowing down so far?

    Stock shortages, high demand, bitcoin mining. Pick one.

    When demand is greater than supply, prices go up.

    • -3

      Please don't blame Bitcoin miners. They've nothing to do with the demand or the price.

      • +9

        yeah its not like the are buying up huge amounts of GPUs to do mining creating shortages driving up GPU costs…. oh wait.

  • its not like the are buying up huge amounts of GPUs to do mining creating shortages driving up GPU costs

    Bitcoin miners aren't buying GPUs, causing a shortage and driving up the GPU price.

    You barking up the wrong tree.


    • +3

      Not sure if it's bitcoin in particular but definitely cryptocurrency miners have been fueling the GPU shortage and driving the prices into the stratosphere

  • +2

    Some recent deals were because of the '15% off when using Afterpay' limited offer, which means you'll need to wait for prices to slowly drop another 15% to see comparable deals. Either that or another eBay/Afterpay promotion.

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