Laptop under $200?

Basically looking for a laptop Under $200 with a 15.6inch screen or larger, a used Lenovo x220 with SSD would be perfect but the screen is too small, any other similar options?


  • +1

    What will the primary use be?

    • Just browsing/email and other basic tasks

    • +5

      AutoCAD, AAA gaming titles, 4k video editing etc

      Edit: dang I was wrong again.

  • +2

    Tried ThinkPad T520? A few i3 ones on eBay that's under $200.

  • +1

    are you sure you didn't forget a zero ?

    • +1

      Yes, as I mentioned a Lenovo x2xx series laptop would be great, can find these on eBay under 200 all the time

  • Chrome book?

  • +3

    go to random friends and ask if they have any old laptops they don't use. buy a ssd. then run.

  • +1

    Could you get away with a desktop? Much better value for money.

    • +1

      Specs will probably be 10x better than a $200 laptop, and upgradable too. If OP doesn't need portability, a PC will be better suited. Should be able to find a cheap monitor too.

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