Looking for a Personal Trainer

I am looking for a reasonable priced personal trainer in (western) Sydney, any recommendations for a good one? I don't want it to break my bank. I am currently doing gym but I don't see any gains and I want someone to guide me on my form. Cheers.


  • +2

    best personal trainer is getting a gym buddy/bro that is motivated as you are

    both spot each other, encourage each other to workout

    dont pay $60/hr for a trainer that dosent give a crap about you

    • Not everyone has gym bros.
      I don't, hence why I use a PT.
      Especially now that I'm in my 30s and most of my friends are preoccupied with both their kids and jobs and don't have enough energy to lift weights at night alongside me.

  • I don't want it to break my bank

    If you own a bank, this shouldn't be a worry.

    Just try any at your gym and only have a few sessions at the start and then once every few months to check in?

  • +2

    What's your diet like? Abs are made in the kitchen not in the gym.

    • I eat very healthy (very limited processed foods) and I am aware of what I eat (I cook at home most days). I want to gain muscles and get toned. My BMI is in the healthy range as well as my waist hip ratio.

      • Baked beans on toast, every day. :)

  • +1

    Dont most gyms offer PT's?

  • +1

    You can learn everything online. There’s apps that can track your bar path when squatting, benching and deadlifting. Just YouTube everything and it’ll cost you $0.

    Side note, be aware of YouTube fitness charlatans!

  • may be check with your gym if there u can get a PT. maybe to write a program for you and check your form.

  • youtube is free

  • What do you want to get out of it? Different trainers will have a different focus.

    • I want to get leaner and more muscular

  • I'm a sports scientist, PT isn't where I want to be but I'm in the process of transitioning jobs ATM so I have some free time. If you'd like to get in touch pm me here and we'll talk more to see if we're a good fit. Pending where you're based in also down to meet face to face for free to discuss things further. To set expectations since I know a lot of people want a ripped trainer, you're probably in better physical condition than me, but all athletes are in better condition than their coaches.

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