Health & Beauty or Sick, Drugs & Cosmetics?

Just wondering. Because I very rarely see a thread related to Health and beauty in this category. Why do people always think health and sick are the same? Health is totally different from sickness and medicines.
Not only here, you visit any website and go to health section you see only sickness
For Example our tax-funded website

What do you think?

Poll Options

  • 4
    Yes (We have health care and beauty products)
  • 6
    No (We have Sick care and cosmetics to mask our underlying sickness from our lifestyle )


  • Have you looked up the definition of "health"?

    • +2

      the state of being free from illness or injury. Googled meaning.

      • Try again

        Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

        • Oh shit. You got this from WHO?

          • @[Deactivated]: Multiple medical organisations define health as such. Surely it's not that hard to find…..

            • @Ughhh: I agree to this anyway that it is state of complete physical, mental and social well-being.

              • +1

                @[Deactivated]: Then it pretty much answers your question and you can sleep well tonight.

                • @Ughhh: Nowhere does it mention drugs or hospitals as health? That is my point. Physical, mental and social comes under overall wellness not sickness

                  • +1

                    @[Deactivated]: What umbrella would drugs aka medicine and hospitals fall under if not health? Do you go to hospitals to buy shoes? Are legal drugs taken for any other purposes other tha health? Do you decorate your Xmas tree with pills?

                    • @Ughhh:

                      What umbrella would drugs aka medicine and hospitals fall under if not health?


                      Do you go to hospitals to buy shoes?

                      Healthy people don't need drugs, doctors or hospitals unless there is an accident or injury.

                      Are legal drugs taken for any other purposes other tha health?

                      To give relief to sick or sometimes placebo.

                      Do you decorate your Xmas tree with pills?

                      We don't believe in god. No chance of Xmas tree

                      • @[Deactivated]:


                        Dude…. We've already established the definition of "health" is not excluisve to being free of disease or sickness.

                        • @Ughhh: So are you saying people go to hospitals for complete physical, mental and social well-being?
                          You are mixing both.
                          Hospitals and medicines are sick care.
                          Health is like you mentioned complete physical, mental and social well-being along with a lack of sickness.
                          Health comes from your lifestyle like nutrition, exercise and good sleep and pursuing other passions and a lot of other small things which make a big difference

                          • +2

                            @[Deactivated]: Jesus's christ, I give up. At least you're consistent with your post history.

  • +4

    Health is one thing and beauty another when it comes to retail products. They’re lumped together into one category here.

    Health encompasses medicine, glasses, tablet deals, vitamins etc.

    Beauty would be cosmetics, moisturisers, makeup and what have you.

    Which part confuses you?

    • Health should be something that should prevent you from getting sick and going to the doctor and taking drugs.
      And Obviously, cosmetics are cosmetics. They just mask your appearance. They don't make you more beautiful.
      Health and beauty are related. A healthy person is beautiful and doesn't need drugs or cosmetics

      • +3


  • +1

    does this mean Chemist Warehouse needs to stop selling cosmetics?

    • +1

      No, anyone can sell anything if the law permits. Chemist warehouse sells drugs and cosmetics, but not health and beauty. Health and beauty can't be sold. They come from your lifestyle.

      • +1

        It's called marketing.

      • +1

        Health can most certainly be bought and beauty is subjective, irrespective of "lifestyle".

        • You can't buy health. You can buy goods which aid in your journey to get healthy. Of course, beauty is subjective. But skin health is related to health

  • +3

    I have always wondered this too

    • +1

      Is it okay to say me to?

      • Good to see this level of consent seeking in 2022

  • +7

    So your poor understanding of how the world works is… connected… to your poor understanding of what words and concepts mean.

    Interesting, I guess.

    Well. Not really.

    • What is your genius understanding tells about world and health Mr Legend?

      • +3

        I think I don't need to be modest in stating with confidence that not only is there a link between "health" and "sickness", but I understand what it is.

        The fact you've started a forum post about confusion on this very point suggests you have a long and difficult path ahead of you.

        And I'll be there with you on the way, ensuring it remains so.

        • stating with confidence that not only is there a link between "health" and "sickness"

          The opposite of health is sickness. I know this link. Do you have anything else genius? Please help me out with your modesty

          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: Philosophical wisdom and koans or word salad with a side order of confusion? It's so hard to tell.

            "And Obviously, cosmetics are cosmetics. They just mask your appearance. They don't make you more beautiful."

            Can paintings be beautiful? Can the act of using a material to change the appearance of something underneath make it more beautiful to look at?

            I'm comfortable not quoting from your extensive posting history of nonsense to show how wrong you are (though of course that's an available tool), this post you made today is a good a place as any to showcase your outright lunacy.

            • @CrowReally:

              I'm comfortable not quoting from your extensive posting history of nonsense to show how wrong you are

              Whatever you don't agree with doesn't necessarily is nonsense.

              Can paintings be beautiful? Can the act of using a material to change the appearance of something underneath make it more beautiful to look at?

              You started by saying that you know the link between health and sickness and you ended here. Anyway, I will clarify this. Cosmetics can't permanently make you beautiful.

              • +3

                @[Deactivated]: And so now we have a "permanently" in the mix as well, because, why not.

                1. Beauty is subjective
                2. Nothing is permanently beautiful either but let's leave this aside because you have more than enough to deal with
                3. "Dear ABC, My tax dollars are paying for a subsection of your website to be about Health but it seems to feature articles about some people not being at full health or suggestions of ways to get to better health or ways to treat various illnesses, which are actually the absence of health, what is all this non-health stuff doing on the Health section of a website??????? It should just be about health, and I define health as this <rant continues>"

                You are an absolute maniac.

                • @CrowReally:

                  You are an absolute maniac.

                  That I am

                  • @[Deactivated]: Hence my "Cliffs Notes" comment on Your Very First post:

                    • -2

                      @CrowReally: You seem to be very unhappy and obese spending most of your time in a basement going through online history. I came too ahead in my life. Go get a life. Your post history is zero. You are using OzBargain for what? You didn't find a Bargain atleast to post?

                      From the post you mentioned I learned that pets are like kids to people. And from that time I changed my perspective towards having pets and started observing differently. Unfortunately you are still carrying that burden like that monk in one of the koan

                      • @[Deactivated]: No, the very first time I encountered you, I wrote in my guidebook "Confuses meanings of common words, can't understand simple concepts/relate to society (sociopath-lite?)", tagged you and released you back into the wild. At that very time I made it clear that was my 'call' on you.

                        You've just proven me right again and again. This isn't 'Crow scours the history to dig up damning evidence', this is 'peeltheonion better answer the phone because Crow totally called it'. With a delightful little chaser of "and then he gets pissy because Crow hasn't made brainfart posts to showcase some vulnerabilities that would be really handy right now".

                        • @CrowReally: So you aren't unhappy and obese and spend most of the time online and got a life?

                          • @[Deactivated]: Isn't it interesting that when you make posts it's because you're a fulfilled and worthwhile person, but when I reply it's because I'm a deeply unhappy obese basement dweller?

                            The best bit is someone with the social disconnect you have trying to shame an imaginary opponent into being out of touch from life/society. You're the "why do people have pets?????" maniac, remember.

                            • @CrowReally:

                              Isn't it interesting that when you make posts it's because you're a fulfilled and worthwhile person, but when I reply it's because I'm a deeply unhappy obese basement dweller?

                              Just asking. I have a life outside this and don't follow anonymous forum post histories like you and link them. Just tell me about yourself a bit more. Are you really not any of the things i mentioned.

                              The best bit is someone with the social disconnect you have trying to shame an imaginary opponent into being out of touch from life/society. You're the "why do people have pets?????" maniac, remember.

                              You bring the same post over and over again. What else should I assume of you? I already addressed this in my previous comment. Now who is a sociopath?

                              • @[Deactivated]: If you want to move on to your post "by the way skin cancer doesn't exist" as a sign of how solid a grasp you have on reality, we can do that, I guess, but I'm not sure you've thought out your master strategy.

                                still, why start thinking about what you're going to do now, right?

                                • @CrowReally: Which stupid told Skin cancer doesn't exist? It's confirmed now you are at best a troll at worst a sociopath

                                  • @[Deactivated]: Sorry, I misquoted you.

                                    "My theory is that people of color getting skin cancer from sun exposure is almost zero", and then some stuff about it being diet based, and "You can also see skin cancer deaths have increased significantly since 1970 in the UK where Sun doesn't shine too bright."

                                    You didn't say it didn't exist, you were just saying it didn't come from the sun, which is obviously a more sensible argument, because sun screen is a scam being peddled by Big Pharma and the Cancer Council to trick us, but you know better. That is what I should have pointed to when I insinuated you had lost contact with reality.

                                    Also, just because you don't know what words mean, it doesn't entitle you to pick them up and try them out ("Maybe it's time I started calling Crow a sociopath back, yes, this seems viable").

                                    • -1

                                      @CrowReally: I know I am better than you in any which way. You didn't answer my question. Are you unhappy or obese or spend most of the time online?

                                      • @[Deactivated]: Given the other things you've told us all you 'know', I am absolutely comfortable with you 'knowing' that as well.

                                        As for some details about me, sure, we can do that.

                                        So, I'm a crow. I have, uh, black feathers. Black beak. Black feet. I once tried to wear a Starbucks coffee cup lid as a hat, but it fell off. :(

                                        I read books (don't bother looking up what they are, stick to your YouTube wellness vids) and the best day of my life was when I found a binbag full of chips and gravy behind a 7-11. I was like "what? like 7-11 doesn't even sell chips lololol" but I gobbled them all up anyway because of course.

                                        Lots of diarrhea next two days but it was worth it.

                                        Speaking of seemingly limitless quantities of diarrhea, your posts are worthless and reflect on you poorly.

                                        • @CrowReally: Yeah, sure whatever you can't comprehend is diarrhoea. Better stop eating those ultra-processed junk which you call food. It will give you cancer just like your online profiling even though you are a crow. If you think only crows read books and humans learn from youtube videos, then you are Crow really. Humans read books as well.

                • @CrowReally:

                  You are an absolute maniac.

                  Using absolutes in this way points to your lack of qualification.
                  Need I state, there's always a spectrum where people are concerned, not binary states.
                  Carry on.

  • +2

    I feel like this making a point that would blow Joe Rogan's mind.

    • He'd say "whoa" - that's for sure

  • +4

    What do you think?

    I think this is some Reddit-tier pedantry, bro.

    • +2

      "Food AND drink"??? They're different things!!!

    • -2

      It's a big issue than you realise. It's years of brainwashing by Media and Drug companies to make you think Health and Drugs are synonyms.

  • +1

    Unrelated, but why does ABC use "everyday people" stories these days? "Amanda had long covid" etc. They didn't do this before.

    • I feel there is a lot of influence of USA left-wing politics on ABC. It's been 12 years since I arrived in Australia. I always followed ABC. But now its opinion pieces and analysis and one-sided articles on any topic became disgusting. I don't follow any other news. So I don't know about others. I don't understand why we need a public-funded news organisation.

      • +1

        "one-sided articles on any topic became disgusting"


        12 years in the US and you don't understand why we need a public-funded news organisation - astonishing!

  • hilarious …again!🤣 keep 'em coming.

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