How to Pay RACQ Car Insurance on AmEx?

Hi everyone!
First time poster, lurker for a few weeks!
I’ve just got my first credit card (AMEX) to get rewards points, and I’ve got my upcoming RACQ car insurance that would put a big dent in the minimum spend. Is there any way for me to pay for the bill using the AMEX, even if it’s a fiddly work around I’m down.


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  • Do they take Paypal?

    • Nah doesn't look like it :(

  • +1

    Try sniip BPAY…
    Purchase prepaid gift cards..

  • Try beem it or sniip but ull be slugged with 1.5% card fee (rather than the standard card fee charged by racv)

    Or u can buy prepaid cards from coles worth (more worthwhile when they are having a sale for additional pts etc)

  • Hi,
    Have a look at which has a 1.5% fee for Amex

  • Probably best to buy a prepaid Visa/mastercard/Eftpos card from Coles/Woolies as people mentioned previously. And then use that to pay your RACV etc stuff, ( just make sure you get the correct one, Online - (Visa/mastercard) Offline- (Eftpos/Westfield Eftpos).

    • Are these considered a cash advance? Always been curious and unsure about buying a Mastercard or visa pre-paid debit on credit card.

      • +1

        Nope, they don't know what you've purchased.

      • +1

        All the bank sees is where the heck you made the transaction from, aka for example at Coles Sydney spent $100 (via tap and pay). That's all bank sees.

        • Awesome. Cheers both!

    • The fees on these prepaid cards are greater than 1.5%. Using Sniip is cheaper.

      Car insurance also generally can't be paid in split payments which makes the small value prepaid cards useless.

  • Like others the advice isn't how to pay bills with Amex, as its not structured for that

    The advice is how to get the points

    I'm with others to suggest you buy Woolworths/Wish or Coles giftcards, do a bit of search on this website or Google, there are many places where you can buy it 3-5% off
    So a further savings is had there.

    Note with Coles and Woolworths giftcards you can use them to buy Opal cards.

    Woolworths has an easy to use App to keep your card details and you can use it for online Shopping

    Coles giftcard sucks, only for instore purchases and no app I'm aware of.

  • I was pretty sure you could use Amex as a payment choice directly from the RACQ website.

    racq = racq || {};
    racq.paymentscommon = function(n) {
    var t = {},
    r = n("#txtNameOnCard"),
    i = n("#txtCardNumber"),
    u = n("#ddlCardExpiryMonth"),
    f = n("#ddlCardExpiryYear"),
    e = n("#txtCvv");
    return t.cardNumberValid = !0, t.getCreditCardType = function(n) {
    if (n !== undefined && n !== null) {
    if (n.startsWith("34") || n.startsWith("37"))
    return "A";
    if (n.startsWith("4"))
    return "V";
    if (n.startsWith("5"))
    return "M"
    return null
    }, t.nameOnCard = function() {
    return r.val()
    }, t.cardNumber = function() {
    return i.val()
    }, t.cardType = function() {
    return t.getCreditCardType(i.val())
    }, t.cardExpiryMonth = function() {
    return u.val()
    }, t.cardExpiryYear = function() {
    return f.val()
    }, t.cardVerification = function() {
    return e.val()
    }, t.expiryValidation = function(t, i) {
    var r = n("#ddlCardExpiryMonth").val(),
    u = n("#ddlCardExpiryYear").val(),
    r && u && r !== "MM" && u !== "YY" && (f = parseInt(n("#ddlCardExpiryMonth").val(), 10), e = parseInt(n("#ddlCardExpiryYear").val(), 10), i.IsValid = racq.forms.validation.dateInPast(e, f + 1, 0, 0, 0, "am") === !1, window.ValidatorValidate(document.getElementById("dateRequiredValidator")), window.pageView.updateValidationErrors())
    }, t.expiryRequiredValidation = function(t, i) {
    if (!racq.forms.isVisible(n("#ddlCardExpiryMonth")) || !racq.forms.isVisible(n("#ddlCardExpiryYear"))) {
    i.isValid = !0;
    var r = n("#ddlCardExpiryMonth").val(),
    u = n("#ddlCardExpiryYear").val();
    i.IsValid = r && u && r !== "MM" && u !== "YY"
    }, t.cardTypeValidation = function(r, u) {
    var o = n("#txtCardNumber").val(),
    t.cardLengthValidation(r, u);
    o !== "" && u.IsValid && racq.forms.isVisible(i) ? (f = t.getCreditCardType(o), e = "", u.IsValid = f !== null, u.IsValid && (f === "M" ? e = "MasterCard" : f === "V" ? e = "Visa" : f === "A" && (e = "American Express")), n("#cardNumberDescription").text(e)) : u.IsValid = !0
    }, t.cardLengthValidation = function(t, r) {
    var u = n("#txtCardNumber").val();
    r.IsValid = !racq.forms.isVisible(i) || u === "" || u.length >= 14 && u.length <= 16
    }, t.cardNumberValidation = function(n, i) {
    i.IsValid = t.cardNumberValid
    }, t.cvvValidationThree = function(i, r) {
    var e = n("#txtCardNumber").val(),
    u = n("#txtCvv").val(),
    f = t.getCreditCardType(e);
    if (u === "" || f === null || f === "A") {
    r.IsValid = !0;
    r.IsValid = u.length === 3
    }, t.cvvValidationFour = function(i, r) {
    var e = n("#txtCardNumber").val(),
    u = n("#txtCvv").val(),
    f = t.getCreditCardType(e);
    if (u === "" || f === null || f !== "A") {
    r.IsValid = !0;
    r.IsValid = u.length === 4
    }, t

    • I tried that and all i got was Syntax Error.

      • Are you using Lynx or Netscape Navigator?

        • I'm using the latest version of Mosaic.

          • @jv: That could be the problem - will ICQ tonight Garth (their computer and world wide web expert) and see if he has any ideas.

  • +1

    Update y’all, I sent them an email and apparently they do accept Amex with no credit card fee charges either!! Am surprised because on both the Amex and RACQ websites they didn’t look like they did. 🎉🎉

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