Need Advice about Start Date on Casual Job Contract

Hi there, new to the Oz Bargain forum.

My son signed a contract last month (first job, casual) and he received and signed the contract which stated that his start date would be May 15th. It also stated that his manager would contact him during the week. Up until the day before the start date, no one had, so he sent a message. They've replied 2x since but still won't provide an answer as to when he can start or what's actually happening.

Is there anything he can do? Or should we just remain patient?

Thanks in advance for any advice.


  • +5

    Casual is casual. Just means that he can start shifts from May 15th when put on the roster.

    They obviously don't have enough work if he hasn't had a shift yet.

    I'd look for another job that is a bit more permanent like a part-time contract basis.

    • Yeah getting frustrating smh. Cheers

  • Get another job. This one is not going to give your son shifts anytime soon

    • Thanks - yeah I agree. Cheers guys

  • It's casual, a contract means nothing: its a zero hour contract. I assume its retail so just hang ten for a bit; I for one 'got' a job and then started 3-4 months later due to their incompetency and then started on 3 hour shifts etc. May as well look for something more secure while waiting

  • +1

    If only their was a device that would allow you to communicate orally with another person over a long distance. If this existed, your son would be able to talk to the person responsible for hiring, while remaining in the comfort of his own home!

  • +1

    I think both sides could improve on their communication skills tbh.

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