Should Another Customer Touch My Groceries?

Shopping in Aldi, put my groceries on the conveyor belt, kept 1.5m from lady in front of me and waited. Next customer comes along, stands right next to me and proceeds to use the divider to push my groceries further forward then when that didn’t work used her hands and reshapes my loaf of bread in the process. I said to her “Please don’t touch my stuff”. She responded with “there’s so much room”, I said “it’ll move forward and can you please stand 1.5m away” she then proceeded to stand at he start of the aisle and says “is this far enough away” wanted to say no, but thought better of it and ignored her.

Poll Options

  • 604
    No - keep your hands to yourself
  • 66
    Yes - they’re touched by everyone on the shelf anyway


  • Lol

  • "reshapes my loaf of bread in the process" rofl

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