[XB1, XSX] NASA: To The Moon and Beyond $0 @ Xbox

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Free game released by nasa

In this single player card based game, you get to manage and build up your own space program. Your goal is to build all 8 mission critical objectives to safely send humans to the Moon and establish a permanent Moon habitat. You do this by determining what research to fund on the space station and what projects you want to fund back on Earth. Conducting research on the space station can reduce the cost of some projects or give you the ability to fund others. Results from the projects you fund determine your budget for the next year and get you closer to building your very own custom Rocket, Space Suit, Lunar Space Station, Moon Habitat, and more. Everything you do affects the outcome of your eight part program. But beware, events can happen that can influence that outcome. Will you be able to complete all of your eight mission objectives in four short years?

Design your very own:
• Rocket
• Rover
• Lunar Space Station
• Moon Habitat
• Space Suit
• Return Vehicle
• Robot
• Landing Vehicle

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  • +2

    to the moon

    *cries in cryptocurrency *

  • +1
  • -3

    Free game released by nasa

    The US tax payers are paying NASA to publish free games?

    • -1

      They are paid for by tips…

    • How old are you that you aren't down with the American government publishing games for the tire world for free?

      And if it increases an interest in science in young people then 30 years from now it'll it could add billions to the American economy if Billy becomes a space ship engineer instead of a burger flipper or clockwatcher in an office for a business that does nothing that interests him.

      Xbox owners tend to be in countries that are allied to or defect part of the West, and the invasion of Ukraine has shown that Microsoft is happy to disconnect aggressors from the Xbox network entirely, means that stuff like this free game could have indirect strategic value. Those dopey Russian kids won't develop an interest in space technology because they can't download this from the front page of their xbox for free after sanctions means Microsoft legally can't service Russia, and the average kid anywhere would never would think to download it on their PC.

      This game is some 5D chess move by the CIA or whatever to avoid space brain drain in the next generation and ensure the US's continued global dominance.

    • The US tax payers are paying NASA to publish free games?

      A bit like America's Army? The free game developed by the US Army (Wikipedia)?

  • -2

    Do they mean spacex?

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