Getting up-votes / down-votes information in RSS feed for each deal

Is there a way of getting number of up-votes and down-votes for each deal in the rss feed format ?
If not can/will this be implemented ? It will be a great feature to have.


  • Depend on what you are going to do with it.

    If you are going to read those from an RSS reader — then maybe don't bother. Many RSS readers cache the content so by the time you read it, the vote count would be inaccurate anyway.

    If you are going to poll OzBargain RSS for you own application then yes there's possibility that we can put the vote counts and maybe other meta data in a different XML namespace inside the feed.

    • Thanks Scotty, your willingness to help is much appreciated. It's about a project i am planning; will let you know if i need anything.

  • Code that got pushed out this morning should contain some extra information in the RSS feed, including tags + other meta info related to a deal.

    For example:

      image="" />

    That should be pretty self explanatory :)

    • Awesome! Thanks Scotty.

    • Thanks. Could you also include comment count?

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