CBA Low Fee Credit Card Transfer Cashback?

received cashback, want to cancel the card now but how to get the $300 off the credit card without transfer fees?

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  • +4

    Buy $300 worth of gift cards

    • +1

      Thanks for the suggestion. But it’s possible to get the cash transferred to cba’s transaction account if you call up

      • Glad you got the result you were after.

  • +1

    StGeorge gave me a creditcard and a savings acc
    I can only deposit to card at post office, linking is no longer possible.
    Everytime I have to arrange a fee free transfer!

  • +1

    You can do a cash advance to a bank account with a different bank to get your balance down to exactly $0.

    But before you initiate the transfer, go to the option to close the card and there it will tell you that your account currently has a positive balance and that there is a fee (I think $3) to transfer your balance out to a different bank account. You need to deduct that fee from your positive balance to know how much to transfer out so that your balance ends on exactly $0.

    Transfers to Commbank accounts may take 24h and transfers to different banks up to 72h, after which you can close the CC.

    • Thanks and you are right. It’s $3 or 3% whichever is greater.

      However, after giving them a call they told me they could do it manually without incurring and fees at all but takes about 3-5 days.

      So if anyone’s in the same position and can wait for the money to transfer, give them a call or go into your branch to get the money out of the credit card without fees. As payless69 mentioned.

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