Cheap Touchscreen Countdown Timer Watch

Hi All,

I'm looking for a Cheap Touchscreen Countdown Timer Watch.

To use only as a productivity tool for time boxing/blocking. ( )

I already have a Garmin Fenix 6 pro that I use day to day. I will wearing this new watch only when I am doing time dependent tasks.
The Garmin is not great for this as it requires button presses to change the countdown length and it makes me less likely to use it.

So the only features that I am looking for are:

  • A touchscreen Countdown timer (Ideally circular motions to increase and decrease time).
  • Ideally a circular watch
  • Cheap as possible as I won't be using any of the other features.

This kind of price/style:

I've tried looking at videos and review but the countdown timer is not a feature that's discussed much.

I'm hoping someone has or knows of a watch that would be suitable


  • If it's just changing the length of the rounds you will be able to get an app where you can program in the rounds.

    • Thanks, but the watch above doesn't have an app store or allow 3rd party apps.

  • I can't help you with the cheap watch, but have you searched for 'pomodoro' in the garmin IQ store? I used to use one and it worked great (fenix 6s)

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