Maximum of 200 Pages History

I was interested in seeing the historical bargains for outright pricing of mobile phones and what people were comfortable paying for a smartphone over the years, and started to scroll back pages of the Mobiles section. Appears the limit is 200 pages, however can do a manual search to find older posts beyond that timeframe (going beyond 4 years). Is the 200 page limit imposed by the server for the benefit of a smoother working site?

I'm just curious, not requesting a change or anything.


  • Is the 200 page limit imposed by the server for the benefit of a smoother working site?

    The short answer is yes. The long answer is… I don't know enough about web development to give you the long answer. It's something to do with Googlebot putting too much load on our servers when they crawl the site.

    You can use advanced search queries to find what you need. the created:<date> search operator can be used to restrict searches from within a given date range.

    Nokia created:201500101-20180101 option:titleonly would search for nodes that contain the word Nokia (in the title) and created between 2015 and 2018

    Or this link searches Samsung in Mobile category from 2013 and 2016

  • +3

    Thanks for the informative reply scrimshaw

  • +3
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