Business Partnerships Verbal/Written Requirements?

Has anyone got any insight into what is required of a verbal business partnership please?
ATO requirements
ABN requirements

Must it be formalised in writing - is there a prescribed time or turnover amount?


  • +4

    You want to go into business with someone else and not have it written down? This is asking for it to fail and have issues if you do not have a formal agreement with how the partnership will be dissolved if it goes pear shape or one partner wants out due to some valid reason (family issue, injury etc)

    Sounds more like you need to ask a lawyer and an accountant what you should do.

  • +3

    You want to start a business and you come to a bargain site for advice? Are you sure you're up for it?

  • +1

    Related to this issue?

    Are you still seeking legal advice on a bargain forum?

    • Well, naturally, lawyers are just greedy grubs who drink from the river of your gold etc etc they don't provide a valuable service stuff the lot of them who needs 'em

      Now, back to answering for free the 'how does a partnership agreement work for tax purposes' question posted on here:

      Agreements in verbal form are fine, as long as they've been photocopied onto A4 three times and counter-signed by each party in the nominated (voice)box.

  • Irrespective of the idiocy of a non written down agreement, the partnership needs an abn and tfn. Tax return needs to be lodged and any profits are shared equally between the partners.

    Very common with a small business where for eg the husband does all the work and wife does "paperwork". Simple way of profit sharing and minimising taxes

  • I think what op meant is how to create a partnership - legally. Op needs to go to an accountant andregister for a new company or buy a second hand company number - which the later as long as it's clean and no debt should be ok and more affordable. The new company is under partnership. There then should be ASIC doc that lists all the directors' name and Hsi or her share of the company.

    • You don’t need a company to be in partnership. Using a company may be a good idea but it’s not required

      Not sure why you would bother to buy a ‘second hand company number’ (or even what that is) since it’s pretty cheap to set up a company ($600-$700) and you can do it yourself or through a shelf company seller

    • Partnership and company are not the same thing.

      And you dont need to go to an accountant to register for a company nor buy a shelf company to create this entity. OP can just do it online for a couple of hundred bucks.

  • Ok, thanks.

    Six years after operating all aspects of small one man business, the landlord (former friend/acquaintance) is now claiming their initial $40 k investment 6 years ago - in building repairs to their own building constitute a partnership.
    Building repairs necessary to render the building habitable and suitable for renting.
    Interior fit out (similar cost) specific to business done at business operator’s expense.
    Landlord claims there was verbal agreement of partnership.
    ABN and all ATO/BAS accountancy requirements complied with in sole name of business owner. Bank transfers for rent retained and documented.

    Absolutely not one single email, text, fax, receipt, agreement, recorded phone conversation or table napkin agreement exists or has ever existed.

    On what basis can landlord claim goodwill and share of profits over past six years.
    I know, I know but going to court.

    Have legal assistance but feel additional outside view may help.


    Will post final result and outcome.

    • You won't get help from random internet forum users. You are already getting external help through your legal assistance.

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