New Feature - Mid-day and PM timeslots for daily newsletter

As of today, users can choose to have their daily Ozbargain newsletter delivered at three different timeslots instead of just early in the morning. The options are

  • early morning (between 7am and 7:30am)
  • Midday (between 12pm and 12:30pm)
  • early evening (between 7pm and 7:30pm)

To choose your preference:

  • Go to 'My Account' on the top menu bar, choose 'Settings'.
  • On the second menu bar, choose 'Newsletter'
  • In the Subscription box, make sure you are subscribed to the newsletter, then choose one of the three timeslots.
  • Click on the 'Save Preferences' button at the bottom.

Anonymous users (those without accounts on OzBargain but have added their email address for the newsletter subscription) cannot choose a timeslot, their newsletters are delivered early in the morning.


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