OzBargain 2012 EoFY Charity Donations - Vote for Worthy Charities!

Update — poll has finished! Thanks to everyone who has voted. The donation will be distributed to

  1. Cancer Council — $5,000
  2. Beyond Blue — $3,000
  3. RSPCA — $2,000

I will need to figure out the ways to make contribution this week and will update everyone on the process. —scotty

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How much is OzBargain going to contribute to the charity organisations this financial year?

A: $10,000 will be donated to the organisations that get the most votes from our community members.

Q: Does the most voted charity get all the donations?

A: We will be donating to the top 3 charities (although scotty still holds the right to override the decision, as per original post). It would be rounded to the closes $1,000 depending on the votes they get.

Q: Ops! I found out about this OzBargain Donation thingy too late. Can I suggest more charities?

A: Once poll has been setup, adding more poll options can be a bit "tricky". scotty will see what he can do with the database. Feel free to leave more suggestions in the comments. If we really cannot add more options, feel free to suggest them in our next round (hopefully before Christmas).

Original Post

This will be a new project for this month, June, the month of end-of-financial-year craziness. Just in case you have not noticed, OzBargain has been running as a "for profit" business since mid-2010. Banner ads shown on this website has been able to keep OzBargain self-sufficient, and enables me to hire 2 other full time staffs to help me developing new features and managing the community here.

The next step for us would be channelling some of that profit back to the "community". I did talk about the possibility of free T-shirts and other merchandise give aways earlier this year. However that project was somehow stalled at the moment. Long story — but something along the line of crashed hard drive containing the design, busyness in life, lots of code to develop and general laziness. But hopefully we'll get back to that one day :)

However since it is the End of Financial Year, let's extend the "community" a bit further. Why don't we set aside some money to donate to worthy charities chosen by the OzBargain community?!

I already have some rough figures in mind to donate (more about that later after I run through w/ accountant). But which charities/non-profit org should we donate to? The usual Salvo, Vinnies, WorldVision etc? Or maybe someone wants to suggest something else? Feel free to comment and suggest.

So here are the rules:

  • We are open for suggestion/discussions/debates until next Saturday, 9 June. Use this forum topic for it.
  • Feel free to suggest charitable organisations in the top-level comments (not replying anyone).
    • It would be great if you can provide a link to the charity.
    • It must be Australian or benefiting Australians (we are OzBargain after all).
    • It must be a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR), so we can make tax deductible donations.
  • Vote and discuss! I will turn this post into a poll from 10 June to 16 June. People can vote on charities. Feel free to use comments to come up with general consensus on which top charities OzBargain should donate to.
  • Poll will close on 16 June, and we'll use the votes to make our donation decisions. I do have to put a condition here — I still have the right to make the final choice, just in case all you guys vote for some weirdo charities that I just cannot agree with :)

Here is an example on how you can suggest a charity:

  • I suggest beyondblue. Depression is a lethal disease that many are not aware of, nor know where and how to seek help.

Okay. That's how I envision that it would work. It might turn into a complete disaster when I come back online on Saturday morning :P If everything goes well, we might be able to run this every year or every 6 months.

Current List

In alphabetical order. You will be able to vote for these from 10 June.

Poll Options expired

  • 14
    Australian Lutheran World Service
  • 265
    Beyond Blue
  • 479
    Cancer Council
  • 14
    CARE Australia
  • 124
    Flying Doctors
  • 18
  • 27
    Heart Foundation
  • 186
    RSPCA -- Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
  • 16
    Southern Cross Kids Camp
  • 97
    The Fred Hollows Foundation
  • 57
  • 40
    WSPA -- World Society for the Protection of Animals

closed Comments

  • Scotty,
    You are awesome ,
    I don't know of any other online forum that offers to donate for charity like you do,
    Man you are Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • +1

    How about giving additional votes to people who vote with their vote and then backing it up with voting with their money ! Make everyone who wants a vote submit a receipt of their personal donation to the charity of their choice and then their vote is counted,

    That way you will also increase the total donations and tone down internet zombies who wouldn't put a hand in their own pockets but create fake accounts to artificially boost up votes here.

    You could also make it subject to minimum amounts (20$ or more ) and all sorts of other things to increase the overall donations…

    Hey good for all

    • +1

      Actually no. I believe with giving, one has to give willingly so it's fine people choose not to donate, nor do I want to make them feel discriminated. Everyone is also on different circumstances. As I've mentioned earlier, OzBargain is a growing community and has been profitable this year so I think it makes perfect sense to give something back.

  • What about cystic fibrosis Australia, it's organizations like these that REALLY DO HELP the Australian community. It has helped me and my family, I have raised money for cystic fibrosis in the past, whilst competing in fun runs. Cystic fibrosis are great to ring for advice for families affected by cystic fibrosis, and a great resource for those caring for people with cystic fibrosis, such as childcare centres and schools. The government are giving less to cystic fibrosis, so it is up to members of the public and those involved with the organisation to do their own fundraising.
    Cystic fibrosis Australia's services are important for services provided to those affected by cystic fibrosis, (approximately 3000 families in Australia) and to provide money for valuable research. Approximately 25% of Australia's population are carriers of the cystic fibrosis gene, most people are unaware, until they have a child who has cystic fibrosis!


  • -1

    +1 for Flying doctors. Australia is large continent with placed out of remote locations who need a hope to live.

  • +1

    Fantastic gesture Scotty! And of course we can help by "availing" ourselves of the ads guys.

    Great gesture by giving back to the community!

    Just wanted congratulated Scotty and the rest at OzzyB for taking the effort and time to start this initiative. Really a fantastic and positive move. Congrats.

    This is an awesome gesture, OzB. I already knew this was a fantastic site, and this just confirms it.

    You are awesome ,
    I don't know of any other online forum that offers to donate for charity like you do,
    Man you are Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    +1 to all the above :)

    imo we should donate to less well-known and -supported, but still worthy, causes and charities, where our contribution would have more significance

    in other words, more local, grassroots community groups, rather than large national organisations

    for this reason my vote went to Southern Cross Kids Camp

    http://www.givenow.com.au might be helpful/useful next year

    • imo we should donate to less well-known and -supported, but still worthy, causes and charities.

      I think that would probably be the aim in our future donations. Sorry the poll is fixed for this time, but I am hoping to run something similar for Christmas later this year.

  • Breast Care Care WA www.breastcancer.org.au they provide practical, emotional and financial support for WA women & their families. Have supported them for many years and this year I have volunteered to promote their current fundraising event

  • +10

    Thanks to all who have voted. We will be making donation to these three charity organisations this week:

    1. Cancer Council — $5,000
    2. Beyond Blue — $3,000
    3. RSPCA — $2,000

    Thanks to all who have voted.

    If the economy is still good (i.e. European leaders keeping their heads cool) and OzBargain is also in good shape, we will do this kind of contributions hopefully twice a year (before Christmas and before EoFY). Other possibilities for our next contribution might include

    • Maybe smaller/more localised community charity organisations?
    • Investing in community projects so something gets built?
    • Investing in overseas aids so the same amount of money can get a lot further?

    We'll be discussing more when December comes.

    • +1

      Investing in overseas aids so the same amount of money can get a lot further?

      That's a very good point. Imagine how many more people you would help if you gave to The Fred Hollows Foundation rather than Guide Dogs Australia (only an example, nothing against them). Although Fred Hollows also works in Aboriginal communities in Australia.

      • +1

        I think that was the idea of the vote. Everyone has their own reasons towards a particular charity.

        • +2

          You are absolutely correct. I'm not saying people should give to this charity over that charity. As you say, they have their own reasons, and have the freedom to give to whichever charity they wish. That's the way it should be. All charities should be commended for their work and our communities would be much poorer without the work of local Australian charities.

          All I'm saying is that your donation can go much further overseas. If one of the deciding factors for a person to give is to help as many people as possible, then they should look at giving to a charity that works in developing countries where the dollar goes much further.

          From the vote count it seems people are more interested in giving to charities that work exclusively in Australia, rather than overseas. That's not a bad thing in any way, but I think maybe that's one of the reasons Scotty brought up that particular point; to put a different perspective on giving and maybe provoke some thought.

    • +1

      Thanks for your good work Scotty!

    • How are we going for the second round?

  • Great outcome. Good work scotty!

    Suggestion for next time - everyone submits their charities and the money is split pro rata according to votes, that way, no charity misses out. Logistically more work but would share the love as I can see the same charities (or type of charities) "winning" time and time again.

    • Logistically more work

      A lot more work…

      I can see the same charities (or type of charities) "winning" time and time again.

      We can always set rules to promote more variety of charities. For example no one is allowed to "win" consecutively.

  • just remembered about this - is it happening again soon?

  • Yes we too also just remembered it…

    Might need to get things rolling very quickly if we decide to donate before Christmas. Will post a new thread about it.

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