Why Did Youfoodz Change Their Website into "Meal Plans"?

So I'm someone that has been ordering from them several times this year and in the past you could select the meals you wanted delivered and that was so easy and simple.

Just recently this changed. Now they have taken most of the good meals from their old website and are now forcing you to go with "Meal plans" the same system hellofresh uses.

Why did they change it into this? I love their food and I love being able to select the meals I want delivered it was not a hassle. Now these meal plans they don't even let you select the meals anymore when you go through their website they instantly take you to the payment page after you input your email / address and everything and that's it.

I don't want meals I may not even like delivered to my address. Youfoodz has now lost me as a customer. Now I have to look for an alternative.

R.I.P Youfoodz for going down this road nobody asked for.

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  • +2

    Might have something to do with the acquisition by HelloFresh and change in business model. Never tried them but have noticed they're no longer available in my local Coles.

    Website doesn't even work for me but not sure if that's them or my Pi-hole. Pun not intended.


    • Because it's been changed to this https://www.youfoodz.com/plans

      Same link but their old one seems half broken now. Login page comes up as 404 and they have removed the good items from the list which sucks because their Chicken and Gravy one was the best.

      They even got rid of their next day delivery… Yeah Youfoodz is going down a road I do not want to follow. Meal plans to me is a big scam. I don't want meals Youfoodz selects for me as I may not like their choices I enjoyed picking my meals and having them delivered without the hassle.

      • website has an infinite redirect for me.

      • I don't want meals Youfoodz selects for me as I may not like their choices I enjoyed picking my meals

        I believe it's like Hello Fresh - you pick meals from a set menu for the week. So you're still picking, just from a set menu instead of the whole catalogue.

        I'm with you but, one of good things with YouFoodz was no subscription and buy what you like when you like. Obviously not a good model for cashflow, but.

  • +2

    Welcome to the subscription model, where companies can have regular income.

    • +2

      and welcome to the start up model, where its your goal to get purchased out!
      get customer base then sell sell sell

  • +1

    Hmm, if you go to the next page, on the top it displays "pick meals" but some reason its at the end? After putting in payment details and number of meals. Though I don't see where you can just order once off if thats more what you mean (which is a shame, I never do subscriptions ew).

    • Their old site they supported Afterpay at the checkout which is what I was using to order from them which they seem to not support anymore with their new website.

      I didn't mind paying back $20-$30 every 2 weeks for my meals and yeah I'm in the same boat as you I don't like subscriptions either. If Youfoodz is going down this road I need an alternative.

      If you know anything that delivers microwave meals please let me know thanks.

      • MuscleChef

        Core Power Foods

        Both can be found local as well if you wanted to try a few dishes before buying more.

        I've only tried core power foods, specifically the meatball ones. That hickory sauce is too damn good.

        • MuscleChef

          I've tried My Muscle Chef a little while back. I quite liked it, the meals were a bit more hearty then some I've had which was nice as it was more filling. Also they were providing like a coupon most months (like 10% off) but it also stacked with ShopBack and you also save the more you order, so you kind of start getting money back too which is great.

          As you say too, its also available at a few stores, so you can always go in and buy some to see if you like the types of meals first.

          • @trustnoone: Ill give Muscle chef a go next then,

            I do enjoy Core Power foods though, but i've only tried the meatballs ha ha. I swear they are always 2 for 14 @ coles which is too good of a deal to buy compared to the other $7 shitty frozen meals.

        • I regularly buy the muscle chef butter chicken meals when marked down at woolies and thoughly enjoy the meal.

  • +1

    Why did Youfoodz change their website into "Meal plans"?

    To get to the other side?

  • I can't even login, tells me no account with that address exists. TBH you're not missing anything, their meal quality went downhill massively a while back.

  • https://go.youfoodz.com/pages/corporate-sales-partnerships

    Lol "Event Kochboxen"

    This place has been taken over by the Germans (aka hellofresh) and they didn't even finish translating all the collateral.

    Read about hellofresh and the absolutely ruthless business techniques they use. Pretty interesting.

  • +2

    Surely it's not that hard to realise they would have made this change this to try and increase their profits and reduce costs…….like every company in history.

    YF has been rubbish for years anyway.

  • Damn, just got my first order from them yesterday and was keen to order another batch.

    Dog as.

  • I remember when Delivery were free.*
    (above a Minimum order).


  • The portion sizes from all these meal plan companies are always so small. Often need to eat 2-3 meals for lunch or dinner every time.

    • +1

      Don't think these meals are design for big hungry ppl , more of a people who want to monitor the portion size :)

    • Or have fresh or frozen veggies on hand to cook up and add to the meals

  • Origamiiiii shi shinggg!

  • +1

    Welp it's official Youfoodz has now become garbage. I don't know if anyone else got effected but Youfoodz has now blocked me from commenting on their facebook page for leaving negativity about their change and who knows if they blocked anyone else.

    Please boycott youfoodz. If this is how they treat their loyal customers by blocking them they don't deserve business.

    HelloFresh is now in full swing since buying Youfoodz.

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