Standing Desk Legs for a Corner Desk

I have a very large L Shape table currently. A portion of it does come off which is connected to some draws and I don't mind to not use this and I would like to change it to a standing desk. The design looks very like this:…

Looking at the above link it seems that those legs are a bit different from the normal set you would buy online. Is there any place that would supply these seperatly? Or is my best bet to buy that and just use my desk


  • +1

    You can get an "on desk" standing desk so you don't need to remove/replace any of your existing desk.…

  • Don't know if I want to trust those with my 49" ultrawide monitor. Assuming it might have to be one of the more expensive stands (which I still think will wabble anyway as I type), I can just as well spend a bit more for the legs.

  • I am sure you can buy the legs only from Ikea if you want:…

    If you notice the leg on the corner is bigger than the other one.

    • I almost got excited but then I saw this has no memory function and only up/down.

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