eBay Plus Renewal

Hey OzB,

Just wondering if you subscribe to ebay plus? My renewal is up and I don't think I will renew.

Do you get benefit from it? If so what?

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  • +5

    I stopped when they no longer offered the $50 gift card

  • You are better of cancelling it and wait for a better offer of something like $40/$50 voucher or similar in Cashback.

    If you really cannot resist leaving eBay plus then you should at least renew after activating the $30 Gift card deal (for auto renewal of eBay plus). Making it cost ya $18.99 in total after considering $30 GC from the $48.99 payment.

    Otherwise you can also just subscribe monthly when you find a good deal, generally speaking eBay only really puts good deals for a short period, and those deals are well worth having, ( you may be even consider having multiple eBay plus accounts just for sake of those bargain deals). (You only need a trial or a 1 month membership for them)

  • I only find it useful because I'm moving out and need to buy a tonne of stuff (also ShopBack offered that huge cashback which has basically made it free). Also the $5 coupon for $15 min spend is great, when it works..

    Once my subscription is up I'm definitely not renewing

  • +2

    I always cancel and let it expire, last Nov after it expired they sent a $30 offer, after a couple of weeks they sent a $50 offer so I renewed it then, from memory it was a $50 off code and there was something I wanted to buy so it worked out ok… I've never actually paid for it, I've only ever taken it up with an offer that refunds the cost, lol

    I'll do the same this year, if they dont send an offer that makes it basically free I wont renew it..

  • Awesome thanks for that. I'll cancel so :)

  • $5/month & eBay gives me codes when I buy things to take extra off when I buy from eBay plus members, it pays for the $5
    BTW, when are we getting a $5 coin?

  • I went to cancel today (can only do it from the Web Browser version, not web mobile or app) and during the process/pop ups they offered a $30 gift card if you didn't cancel the membership

    I was within a week of renewing so YMMV but hope this helps someone get a gift card out of eBay

    An interesting note at the top of the page was about how much eBay Plus had saved me, apparently is over $1000 but I'm not sure how they're calculating this - i.e. shipping costs covered from a lot of sellers and any eBay+ specific vouchers (but they generally are only 2% more than the public vouchers)

    • EBay plus has saved me $2800!!!
      Pretty good on my 25 purchases, total valued at under $1000

      Realistic savings $50-$100

  • Thanks mate the offered me the same but I was trying to hold out for more…it didn't happen :)

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