Roof Maintance - Different Quotes Depending on Cleaning

Was looking to get my roof cleaned and the ridges cemented.
Some quotes are pressure washing it.
Others are using 'wet and forget'. They do the sealing of the tiles first, then put on wet and forget and apparently within a few days the moss and grime wash off.

The wet and forget quotes are cheaper. Any experience with this route? Seemed a bit strange to me that capping of the tiles will be done on dirty tiles.


  • +1

    Is your roof leaking or is this just an aesthetic thing?

    Because if there isnt any issues, my take would be just to leave it alone. Roofing jobs usually cause more issues than they fix.

    Lazy roofers will just repoint (cap the ridge tiles) without even bothering to clean. They just want $$$.

  • It's leaking!

    • +1

      If its leaking, why the hell would you want to pressure wash it, it'll just make it worse lol! Same with wet n forget, wtf?

      U need to get it silicon-ed and sealed. Capping your ridges and repointing wont help a leaking roof. The leak is coming from somewhere else.

  • If no leaking. just leave it.dont waste your $.

  • What’s the price range for the quotes you got for each clearing approach?

  • You can get spray on wet and forget that attaches to a standard garden hose that you can do yourself, so long as you have a ladder so you can get up to the gutter level to ensure you spray all of the roof where you need to spray.

    Check this out and DIY to save $$$ if you find it is applicable for your situation:…

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