Cheapest palce to buy Nintendo 3DS?

Looking to purchase a 3DS for when i go on holiday overseas.

I missed out on the goodguys bundle which was a week or 2 ago.. but i wasn't looking for one back then so bad luck for me now.

Hopefully someone can give me a heads up on where i can get it for less then $199, or $199 in a good bundle :)


  • I bought one at Dick Smiths in Lidcombe last Saturday for $136 - They were having a closing down sale. Might be worth calling them to see if they have any left.

    • I would, but im located in Perth, which i forgot to mention

      • U should've said something to her and her whipped husband.

        • No joke, they left as soon as she grabbed the boxes though. I think she must have said something to the people at the counter on a day before the sale date though because the bitch had them all ready for her behind the counter. That totally defeats the purpose of a flash sale in my honest opinion but whatever, those kids are going to have a much more enjoyable childhood than I had with those 3DS's.

  • A little bird told me today that K-Mart is going to be selling 3DS consoles for $169 in the upcoming toy catalogue on June 28th.

    • It looks like Big W might be running a similar sale. Damn if that's true I've got to grab one. Any chances your source could be wrong? And is it possible to get Kmart to hold a 3DS for me until the sale happens?

  • Target -…

    BIG W -…

    Toysrus -…

    Those are the current offers available for 3DS… which one is better value?

    BIG W are selling Mario 3DS Games for $48 ea

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