Tipping at Restaurants and Bars, Yes or No?

Does anyone else feel obligated to tip when the waiter that's been looking after you all night hands you the payment terminal asking if you'd like to leave a tip?

Now he's standing there waiting for you to click yes or no, smiling as he was the whole night with you.
Your date is behind you and you've had a great night, you were funny, cracking jokes with everyone.

As much as I don't want to support the American tipping culture, I feel rude not paying that extra money before leaving.

OzBargain, what should I do?

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    If I'm at a bar and they hand me my change on one of those "we'd really like to keep this" plastic trays, I make sure to retrieve every last cent from it.

  • How many people here are against tips but are happy to pay the % service fee with dominos? To me, it's the same bs.

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