Can You Stack Private Health Rebates with Mental Health Care Plan?

Hey guys

I thought the ozbargain forum would be the best place to ask about stacking discounts lol

Was just curious if you get a mental health care plan from the gp, which halves your psych fee I believe, if you can also claim back on your health fund too.

Just thought I'd ask as even with the Medicare rebate applied, psych is still pretty expensive.



  • +1

    One of my old funds did not allow this but we moved and the new fund has no mention so I claim away. Dont get much but better with me than them.

  • +1

    I believe you can. Prices vary a lot between psychs and may be worth investigating a few different options if you haven't yet started with 1.

  • +2

    HCF only covers claims after you've exhausted your MHCP.

  • +1

    I work with a pyshologist in my clinic and he did touch on this topic. Technically it's either one or the other, but YMMV. It actually states this in the Medicare EPC form.

  • +4

    It is one or the other. If you provide a receipt with a Medicare item number to your health fund they will deny the claim, although many people get away with it when claimimg via apps as it's all automated.

  • When I had a physio health care plan, I was given a choice (at the supplier clinic) of the discounted Medicare rate, or claim from PHI. The clinic ran an out-of-pocket price comparison for me, and they were very close, but that would be dependent on your PHI policy. If they are very close, you may want to preserve your PHI in case you need later appointments with no care plan, but that's a personal decision.

  • Nah you can't combine both sadly.

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