Breville Dual Boiler BEP920 Concerning Sounds

Hi all, hoping I can draw from oZb’s collective knowledge for this one. I just ran a coffee cleaning cycle with the silicon piece and cleaning puck and had a very concerning sound.
The machine was making a straining sound as if the pump was running without water or burning out.
I’ve run a few water only shots and it sounds fine now, but should I be concerned?
I’ve always been on top of cleaning the machine as recommended and putting new filters in for reference.
Thanks for your time!


  • How old is your machine? Does it make any sounds when it is just sitting there while switched on, but not pulling a shot etc? Any hissing noises etc?

    • It's about 3 years old now. No otherwise strange noises like described at all. Was rather alarmed as I'm sure you could imagine when hearing this one

  • +2

    Probably normal, as long it is not metallic noise. The silicone disc blocks the normal water flow through the group head, and forces the pump to build up pressure. It then releases the dirty solution through the back flush passage. The drip tray will start filling up.

  • pumps don't last forever. I have replaced my pump 3 times over several years (not breville). If it works, good. If not replace it and consider it a normal maintenance cost.

  • Unfortunately it’s made the sound again. This time I managed to record it. Brew pressure this morning only got to 5.5 bar compared to the usual 9 as well. I’ve uploaded the sound here:…

    Sound like a burnt out pump?

    • +1

      Sounds like the solenoid valve.

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