Looking for a Cheap 12V Battery

I'm looking to run a 3D printer off battery power for demos at events. The best option would be a power station but they are quite expensive. So I'm connecting a battery to an inverter I got from Aldi. I'm looking for a 50Ah capacity rechargeable 12V battery so I can run my printer for a few hours. Is there a store/website which sells cheap batteries?


  • +2

    Kmart sells the 80ah agm battery for around $150, quite heavy but should do the job. Does your printer run on 12v straight, if it does take dc power, even within 12-24v range, better get a dc-dc converter to maintain conversion efficiency, you don't want to do dc->ac->dc unless you absolutely have to.

    • Does your printer run on 12v straight

      "So I'm connecting a battery to an inverter I got from Aldi."

  • Hotend might draw up to 60w, bed will draw 120w easily, so at 12v that's 15 amps of continuous current.

    At those wattages a car battery will drain very quickly so you'll likely spend as much on several batteries as you would for the entire printer if you want to last for a 'few hours'.

    A small inverter genset might be a better option if you're outdoors, and if you're inside an extension lead to a nearby powerpoint instead.

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