Notification List Doesn't Show Deal Picture

Hi guys,

When I go to my notifications, I used to get a picture of what the deal is about to get more context. Now, the picture is gone and I was wondering if there is a setting to put it back as I have tried looking for that setting but I can't find it. Thanks!


  • What devices were you on?

    I do not record we put the deal picture in the notifications. It has always been related user's profile picture.

  • Hi Scotty, I use my laptop when I check for deals.

    When I go the the deals page ( I can see a list and pictures to the right of each deal.

    That is how my notifications were before as well but now there are no pictures anymore.

    • We never show the deal image in the notifications. And by "notifications" I assume you meant the popup when you click on the bell, or the notifications page? That has always just profile image of the user on the left, and notification text on the right.

  • Hi Scotty, thanks for the confirmation. Yes, you are correct it was the notifications page and I always look at the deal images to know what interests me for that day. However, I might have remembered wrong. Thanks again.

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