Robot Vac - Looking for The BDB Equivalent

Hi OZbargainers,

Long time watcher, less frequent poster

Our Gen 1 Xaomi robot Vac as stopped running well after 4 good years. looking for a replacement.
Bigger house now - 5 bedrooms, 2 floors, floorboard downstairs, carpet upstairs.
2 toddlers, we would do our best to clear the floor but something with LIDAR / ability to avoid obstacales would be good, no pets
Mopping and auto empty not critical but nice to have

Looking for the Breville Duel Boiler (BDB) of robot vacs, ie feature packed, great unit for a reasonable price

Looking at other posts ive seen mixed feedback on Dreame D9 and Roborock S5/6

If i had to put a price point i would say 400-700 but i could do lower or higher based on feedback and if one had great features.

Thanks for the help


  • I have the Roborock T7s Plus (Mainland China version) that I got for under $700. Can’t use the app or set scheduling but I just push the on button once a night when I go sleep.

  • hi all,

    Doing some more research the Dreame Z10 Pro seems like it might be the pick for us, above average cleaning, good AI object avoidance, reasonable app smarts and a auto dustbin clear that seems better than others on the market

    Most reviews say its as good as you can get for the price without jumping up to the $2k ones

    Dreame Australia directly have a 300 off promotion taking it down to $899. thinknig i will purchase but wanted to get some feedback from the brains trust of OzB


    • Got the Dreame L10 Pro and very happy. Only issue was the first time it made a map it rotated it, putting the vacuum in the wrong spot. Deleted and remapped and it's been flawless since. Paid Around $520 for it in an eBay sale.

      edit: I was coming from a Gen 1 Xiaomi too.

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