Intel Still The Only Real Option for Integrated Graphics?

I need to build a PC for a family member and they really don't need gaming power. Is Intel still the only option if you want to use integrated graphics? From what I see it looks like AMD motherboards tend to not even have a HDMI port on them. Seems silly to pay for a graphics card if it'll never be needed. Anyway just a bit out of the loop on this so I thought I'd do the lazy way and just ask you experts what's up.


  • +6

    From what I see it looks like AMD motherboards tend to not even have a HDMI port on them.

    Look harder? They are on most?

    Checking PCCG, AM4, sorted from lowest price, the top 4 have HDMI ports…

    Maybe let someone else build it for them instead.

  • +1

    Maybe you should go watch some youtube videos to educate yourself, made by the people who you were busy calling jackasses a few months ago

    What motherboards are you looking at? Most AMD ones I have looked at have a HDMI port. Only some AMD processors have an integrated gpu, but the ones that do, I would say are generally more powerful than Intel integrated graphics, for general consumption anyway.

    You want any processor that ends in a G or GE, e.g. Ryzen 5 5600G.

    Nowadays intel is the same, some of their processors have no integrated graphics, I beleive the ones with F at the end have no iGPU.

    • -3

      I guess I meant to say when I last looked they tended to not have HDMI ports, which was a few years ago. Ryzen was only up to the second generation at the time. I've never seriously considered integrated graphics before and thought maybe I could be uncharacteristically lazy by finding out the current state of it here.

      I would bother Reddit with it, if I weren't unironically banned for not being PC enough.

      Kinda flattered my thread left a lasting impression btw 😊

      • +1

        AMD has had better integrated graphics than Intel for at least a decade now and have been releasing APUs with a focus on balance of price/CPU performance and all having integrated GPUs (i.e. exactly what you want) since long before second gen Ryzen.

        The only thing you might have seen a few years ago is that they had DVI ports instead of HDMI, but you could just buy a different cable or a cheap as dirt adapter.

  • pcpartpicker, find a B550 or B450 motherboard with a video output, something like a 5600G or 5700G CPU etc. and then select the rest of the system to fit your price.

    That's the lazy way to do it.

  • It's gonna depend on your budget. At current, AMD only included onboard video at targeted low cost price points, while Intel include them across a wider range. As such, manufacturers only tend to include video output on the cheaper boards.So if you're satisfied with the computing power of the 5600G, that would be a good place to start. If you need more processing power, or features like quicksync, then Intel might be the way to go.

    Keep in mind onboard is many years behind in equivalent performance. Last I checked, its about equivalent to a Nvidea 750ti.

    • +1

      Isn't a 750 Ti enough if you don't play games?

      • +1

        750 Ti is plenty even if you do play games, as long as they're older ones at modest resolution. But games probably isn't the benchmark you want to use. Its video. Otherwise, you could get something from 15 years ago and that would do what you need.

        The current range of integrated graphics will handle 4k h265 playback without sweating, so you're covered there. If you decide it's better to chose a cpu/motherboard combo without integrated graphics, and pickup a cheap graphics card second hand (which despite all the noise about crypto crashes and flooding the market, still seem to be quite high) then you want to check the model you choose can handle the hd video demands.

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