Getting Cashbacks to Track When Adding Items to Cart?

How is everyone adding items to their carts while still complying with the cashback rules?

(summary at bottom)

Previously I used the wishlist method but found out its now against CB guidelines.

Because of that I have resorted to searching the item code
If url is
Then search item code 987654321
Item code 2345678
But the problem with this is that it opens a new tab automatically every time you click on the item displayed from the search results. (happens on ebay and aliexpress)

  1. Browse ebay/aliexpress with 1 tab open. (1st browser tab)
  2. Paste item code in the search bar.
  3. After clicking on the item displayed in the search results.
  4. A new tab automatically opens of the item. (2nd browser tab)
    If I want to add a new item to cart should you continue using the 2nd tab then end up with a 3rd tab automatically opened? Resulting in a new browser tab being opened for each item you want to purchase.

My concern is that I have read several comments saying not to be browsing with multiple tabs because that will interfere with the cashback tracking. (these comments were from CB reps)
Could you close those new tabs? Probably a bad idea to be closing tabs because you'll end up losing the CB tracking.

Summary: Checking out with 1 item might track fine but what if you need to add multiple (different) items? eg to reach a minimum spend. You'll end up with a crazy amount of browser tabs opened because clicking on the item in the item search results automatically opens a new browser tab which may end up getting your CB denied as it has been stated browsing with multiple tabs opened interferes with CB tracking.


  • +2

    use the app?

    • That may be an option for some but keep in mind in the past theyve had offers where it was restricted desktop only and have even removed stores from the app (only accessible through desktop).
      But in any case I use desktop because its less complicated to use compared to a phone due to my condition.
      Appreciate your suggestion.

  • +1

    Cookies are shared between tabs from the same site. The actual cashback tracking cookie is created when you click through from Shopback/CashRewards/Honey etc, that's the critical part to make sure it works - because if you inadvertently go to another referral site after it'll override your original cookie.

    Multiple tabs from say eBay are fine, since they're all working of the original cookie as set. It's any external sites you want to avoid hence why it's good policy to close out everything else, but it's not mandatory.

    • Thank you for your explanation that makes sense.

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