Online Order Vs in-Store Shopping Item Priority

Heya All,

Here's a good one.

I wanted to buy the Logitech ergo mouse and the prices at Dig****** were awesome (~101 + 5%)
So I went to their physical store as I wanted it immediately and not wait for C&C or delivery.

I saw there was only 1 unit of the mouse left on the shelf. I asked the staff at the counter and he said the online order comes after a day so I can't just place the order and click and collect the last piece, also online order takes a day to come to their system, so I went outside(that little OZB in me wanted to get 6% cashback), all good so far.

I then changed my mind and came back again in 5 mins after getting some KFC and picked up item from the shelf and went to checkout.

Now when the guy scanned it was going into some backorder or something and he said he can't give it because someone already ordered within that 5 mins :)
I argued the product in my hand and you said the orders usually takes a day to arrive how come its gone?
Needless to say, I had to come empty handed.

Question: Should the store give priority to the in store customer who saw the product, picked from shelf and went to checkout or the online order?

From my perspective it's ok for store to refuse as it's FIFO but what about the in-store customer experience?

PS: I price matched with JBHIFI and collected within 30 mins.

Poll Options

  • 12
    Store is right in refusing
  • 13
    OP should get priority
  • 9
    Blame KFC
  • 1
    Happens often in Black Friday sale
  • 29
    OP is a loser


  • +4

    Something about “you snooze, you lose..” comes to mind…

    • that would have been true if it was not available on the shelf.

      • +1

        You went in… left… got KFC… came back and it was sold.

  • +3

    Dig****** don't get a lot of positive reviews. This is particularly true when it comes to stock levels.

  • +6

    If I placed an order for an item that is in stock, the stock gets assigned to my order.
    If the order hasn't been picked yet, that doesn't detract from the fact that the stock is reserved for me.

    More so, most stock management systems will disallow people selling into negative quantity (without authorization) thus preventing them from actually processing the trasnaction anyway.

    In short, get rekt. No KFC next time.

    • Thanks I know thats the case (online) but still, I always assumed if something is in my hand(picked up from shelf) in store, its mine to purchase.

  • also online order takes a day to come to their system

    What if that item was ordered the day before?

    • -1

      The point is : it was on shelf and I picked it up to buy.

      • +2

        The point is: You hadn't paid yet.

        • +1

          Alright, I am loser.

  • +4

    If it weren't for that damn KFC…. 😂

  • +2

    Whoever orders the item first regardless of the method gets it. Someone ordered it online before you got it to the register, so it’s theirs. Wouldn’t be fair otherwise.

    • So probably in-store shopping is a huge problem? Imagine spending 20-30 mins to decide based on look and feel of a product, only to be told you can't buy it.

      • +3

        Yeah well I’m guessing that isn’t usually a problem. Often there is different stock for online and in store. Usually there is more than one item. So I can’t see it being a problem very often. Just chalk it up to bad luck I guess

  • +3

    This sounds like it would be a good plot for a Seinfeld episode and you're George Costanza.

  • Guess you lost out on the cheaper product by factoring in the extra cost of KFC while you made your mind up.

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