Bricked Wii U after Failed System Update from Splatoon Game. How to Unbrick It?

Long shot but random question about Nintento Wii U console.

My nephew somehow bricked his Wii U console after trying to update the system when launching Splatoon game. Now the console is stuck at the Wii U logo.

Does anyone know how to fix it, or perhaps point me to the right direction on how to unbrick it?


  • +5

    There's tons of resources on this with a simple online search. From articles to forums to video guides. Keep trying till you get there. r/WiiU exists too for relevant support.

    • lol negged for trying to help.

  • -7

    Google "this one simple trick that unbricks WiiU that is crashing Nintendo share prices"

    • Then click on “you won’t believe what happened next”

    • +1

      Thanks Reggie….

      (Wait. You're not Reggie!)

  • +1

    If it's stuck at the logo screen without an error code you'll need to use a USB host exploit.

    Time for you to go down the rabbit hole of UDPIH. It's not easy and, if you don't have the time/patience, you might want to try and find a local console modder/repairer who can do it for you.

  • +1

    It doesn’t sound good from what I know about Wii U hacking. You’d have better luck asking on a forum with people that are into modding consoles
    I recommend GBAtemp

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