Pool Cover Replacment - Advice Needed

Hi, I need to replace my pool cover. The old one came with the house but has been thrown out (baaad shape).

Pool size is 6.2m * 2.8m. No curves or anything. Straight lines.

I don't want to spend a fortune.

Main objective is to save water. Has to last at least for 3 years.

Any place in Perth with fast turnaround (and good prices) when it comes to ordering the cover?

Is it easy to trim as a DIY?

Guys, I have searched Google but would like to have some advice from the collective OzBargain super brain power…


  • Just buy one on Ebay and cut it. It isnt hard. Nor expensive. The Daisy ones are - mayne last a couple more years but 3 times as much.

    Although i suspect the listed micron measurement is generous

  • If you do trim to size yourself, allow for shrinkage. Cut big and return in a month or so

    • Thanks for that. Seriously, I did not anticipate that it will shrink ha ha ha…

      But yes, I just checked with my friend Mr Google ….

  • -1
  • -1

    Is that a pool for ants?

    • Hashtag smallpoolsmatter

  • I bought one off ebay and then one from Aldi. Both lasted 3-5 years. Easy to trim.

  • I bought a cheap one online and has lasted 3+ years. Didn't shrink after I cut it so not sure what that is all about. Also I recommend getting a roller reel for it so you can easily retract it when wanting to use pool. Catch have some decent cheap ones.

  • My dad just bought a big one and put it along the outside of the pool and held it down with bricks 😂 they don't use the pool though. Wouldn't worry about microns as it just breaks down after a few years anyway. Got it for around $150 from Catch/ebay

  • Don't use them annoying and not convenient, rain fills the pool, sun warms it to 26-30c, who wants to take a cover off every time you feel like diving in, yeah nah.

    • If you have a roller it literally takes less than a minute. Also stops evaporation of water and chemicals so saves you money.

      • +1

        And less crap falls into the pool to clean out out of the bottom and filter

      • Been there done that, prefer to look at the nice pool water than a roller and plastic on it. Our pool is magnesium minimum chemicals and get plenty of rain here.

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