Would Installing a Dashcam Void a New Car Warranty?

Hi guys.

I want to know if installing a dashcam with the fuse panel for parking assistance can void you of your warranty claims for a new car?

The installation is done by a technician and the camera works perfectly but the hard-wiring kit is a third-party brand. So, will it cause any issues for warranty claims?



  • -3

    Was the technician a licensed car mechanic? If yes then hopefully not an issue, but if not then there will be issues is it causes problems down the track.

  • +3

    They can only reject claims where the installation of the camera is directly related to the fault. So for example if your exhaust falls off there won't be an issue regarding warranty however if something shorts out and they can show it's related to the camera install then yes, it will likely cause an issue. Of course that won't stop them from using it as an excuse if they can so you might need to be prepared to argue the point.

  • +1

    I want to know if installing a dashcam with the fuse panel for parking assistance

    What does this mean? Are you staying that it shares the same circuit and shares the same fuse as something that's labelled "parking assistance" or does the camera have it's own fuse?

    How much did you pay for the install?

    • Park assist means when i park my car the camera gonna keep recording.

      I dont know much about fuse but the idea is the camera should get power from the batter when the engine is switched off.

      I paid about 180 aud

      • -1

        Park assist means when i park my car the camera gonna keep recording.

        That's usually feature of the dashcam kit. It usually works by monitoring the battery voltage and shutting off the camera when the battery drains to a certain point.

        I paid about 180 aud

        That sounds cheap-ish. It's possible that they just tapped the power off random cables rather than building a new circuit. Most installations are okay and won't have any effect. It's just that euro cars are sometimes a bit more sensitive (than jap/korean cars etc) to that drop in voltage and might throw up some error codes.

        I can't see the manufacturer giving you difficulties around the warranty unless the guy that installe is has seriously screwed something up and the car goes up in flames or something haha.

      • you need to check the fuse box yourself….

        see if the dashcam power cable lead to its own fuse in its own slot without sharing with others,

        or whether the installer did a piggyback using fuse tap or dodgy wire tap which could void warranty or insurance if short-circuit / fire hazards

        • The difficult is how can i check it. I am not very confident about opening it myself.

          The servicing is due in six months. Should i wait until then or find someone else to revome the wiring before taking it to do the servicing??

  • How about you pull the dash cam out before you make a claim. And don't mention it.

  • I wouldn't bother putting a dash cam.

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