Where Do You Buy Your Creatine Monohydrate from?

I've always got mine from bulk nutrients @ $44/kg, but wondering where else may offer the product for a better price. Shipping from Bulk nutrients is $9, meaning if I were to just purchase my creatine here, it's a total of $53/kg.
It's also flavourless (I've seen some with flavour?) which I'm not for or against, but if a recommendation comes through with a flavour I'd be keen to give it a go.
Any suggestions on where I can look to save some coin?


  • -2


  • Got my last bag from Aminoz.


    PLus they have a 22% off sale going ATM.

    • 22% off now too

  • Most of the creatine are flavourless as you want a pure form of the powder. If you add flavour, there will be 1g or 2g per 5g scoop that is for flavour (or sugar) and it kinda makes it less value for money. People usually add creatine to their morning juice or other drinks anyway.

    • I figured that may be the case - thank you for that. I've thought about mixing it with the powdered gatorade. Have you ever tried that?

      • You can do that but obviously to keep it consistent, you put in the creatine every time you mix your gatorade. This is to ensure you are always getting a consistent dose. If you pre-mix both powder together in the gatorade bottle, you sometimes might get 4g, 3.5g, 5.8g, per serving etc. You are never sure what's the creatine serving size especially sometimes gatorade might clump up. But if you are just after convenience, why not. I personally never tried gatorade and creatine but sounds delicious.

        • Yeah would measure the dose of creatine first! The small amount of flavour it has makes me gag a little so I'll try it. Cheers mate!

  • I don't recommend creatine. I used a fair bit in my 20s, and handled it ok. Now, 15 years later, my body can no longer handle it. A single dose will give me night calf cramps that last for weeks.

    • Geez how much were you taking?

      The worst I've ever noticed is that it can make me grumpy. So I split the dose into about 2.5grams twice a day and have no problems.

      There's bitof stuff on cramping if you wanted to figure it out.


      • I used the recommended dose (or less). Only used it for about 6 months or a year.

  • +1

    Bulk nutrients

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