Bestway Pool Hose Leaking

Does anyone have idea how I can stop the outlet (B) hoses that lead out of the pool and connect to the T piece from leaking at that end (the T piece end).

The T connector has an o ring which the hose slips over and some plastic clamps were supplied. These are useless because they break at the slightest amount of force.

I tried a proper hose clamp and this decreased the amount of leaking but not fully.

I have no idea what else I can try.


  • -2

    My Bestway pool does not have parts B or U or T…. What…

    • Why bother replying if you're going to be unhelpful?

      • In have a… pool , which as I said does not any of these parts.

        • Yes so that is effectively what I have except on a bigger scale and it also has inbuilt plumbing to allow hoses to connect to a filter. Good in theory but right now it seems like more trouble than it's worth.

      • Because it's a public forum

        • That doesn't mean you have to reply and if you aren't going to be helpful then scroll on.

          • @Morphio25: That's not how it works

            • +1

              @Muzeeb: True. I guess not all of us are 15 year Olds chasing forum posting stats.

  • What sort of hose clamp did you try? A poly clamp, or a stainless worm clamp?

    What you could do is get a couple of these lads (…) and then put one on each side of the o-ring on the T - then gently and slowly increase tension to both sides to see if you can stop the weeping. Whilst you’re at it, maybe replace the o-ring? It might be chipped, or split?

    Failing that, you could try some silicone sealant on the join between the hose and T.

    Failing that, you could put a ring of silicone on the T, then slide the hose onto the T and then use the worm clamps to tighten, but it needs around 48 hours to dry and if it still leaks you’re somewhat stuck because it will be basically glued together.

    • The link to the clamp from Bunnings was what I tried, in addition to the shitty plastic clamps they provide which are effectively the same thing, these ones just break when you apply any sort of tension. I might try another one on the other side of the O ring though and see if that helps.

      • If you’ve already had a crack with the worm clamp try fitting a new or even additional o-ring on the T fitting. Depending on the size of it Bunnings may have a replacement.

        My guess is that the o-ring is on the fritz, as the rubber seal should be making a water tight fitting and the plastic clamp is just there to apply gentle tension.

        If the o-ring is compromised it would makes sense that using a new clamp with pressure isn’t doing anything because the seal is effectively not working.

        • Cheers. Possibly my local Clark Rubber might be the best bet for some replacement O rings.

          • @Morphio25: No worries. I’ve never tried them for that before but worth a shot. I hope you can get it sorted.

  • @Morphio25 did you ever get the leak sorted? In having the exact same problem.

    • I did yes, mind you I disassembled the pool at the end of last summer and it hasn't been put up yet as we've not had warm enough weather to warrant putting it up again.

      You need to ensure that you get the O ring to sit perfectly inside the little moulded part of the pipe and then I used some strong gaffer tape around the connection and then used the pipe clamps you tighten with a screwdriver. I just can't remember what side of the O ring I put them though, but I didn't end up with any further leaks.

      One of the reasons we haven't put the pool up besides not having many hot days so far is the water is always cold af. I'm looking for a way that we can heat the water, possibly using some sort of solar panels that the water runs through. Do you know of anything like that?

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